[meteorite-list] Visit from Moni

From: moni waiblinger-seabridge <moni2555_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jun 20 09:01:06 2005
Message-ID: <BAY103-F3237D82C34589932B5D5E7CDE90_at_phx.gbl>

Hello Michael and list,

Actually my latest find is a little bit more special to me because I found
it without Bob Verish being present!!
Yes, he has shown me how to find them and search for them; he is a fine
friend and mentor!
But I am so pleased that when my girlfriend Cuc (who is Asian) ;-) and I
went out on Memorial weekend for a day, I found my meteorite all by myself.
I took an image, etc. and then showed it to her for her to say, I don't
think this is a meteorite.
Well, I knew it was one and I took it home to show a friend of mine who
confirmed it!
This is why my newest find is just a touch more special then the other finds
I made with Bob being present.

Thank you Michael for letting me visit and letting me see your fine
Its very impressive!

Back to work and Sternengruss, Moni

>From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_cox.net>
>To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Visit from Moni
>Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 01:07:10 -0700
>Greetings all,
> I had the pleasure of having one of the
>few ladies on the list contact me and visit while in
>San Diego.... Moni.
> For some reason, I had thought she was Asian,
>though, from her name, I should have expected her
>to be French. Turns out she is German!
> Anyway, we had a very pleasant, though short
>visit due to my wife having to go to an emergency
>session with a Chiropractor. Turns out Moni is quite
>the meteorite hunter and she showed me one of her
>recent finds. Very impressive. She has been on multiple
>searches with Bob Varish - great company. She tried to
>blame her success on the company she keeps on searches,
>but I have been in the field with some of the very best
>in the world, including Steve Schoner in Holbrook & John
>Blennert in Gold Basin & I never found a single specimen when
>hunting with them (Of course, they found multiple specimens
>when they were with me, but somehow I don't think there is
>a causative correlation there). In fact, in 8 different strewn
>fields and over dozens of days I have found only one single
>(11g) specimen. So, I know better than to listen to her modest
>commentary about it all being due to the company she keeps.
>An eagle's eye she has.
> It is always great to meet someone on the list in person.
> Best wishes, Michael
>"You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are."
> -Herb Cohen
>If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
Received on Mon 20 Jun 2005 09:01:02 AM PDT

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