[meteorite-list] Wow!

From: Dave Schultz <indy1996_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jun 20 01:22:55 2005
Message-ID: <20050620052253.27647.qmail_at_web52910.mail.yahoo.com>

  Greetings. Just witnessed the best shooting star
that I`ve seen in many a year tonight. Lasted about 3
seconds and traveled to the west,north west, from my
vantage point here in Northern Indiana. It happened
around midnight tonight, and even with the very bright
moon, it was quite the site, and blueish in color.
Just wanted to share that with everyone since it`s
been kind of quiet around here today.

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Received on Mon 20 Jun 2005 01:22:53 AM PDT

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