[meteorite-list] AD: Video Footage of our trip to Oman

From: AL Mitterling <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jun 5 16:12:46 2005
Message-ID: <42A35CAF.7040405_at_kconline.com>

Hi Michael and all,

Good post and I think we are all guilty of this mindset sometimes in
different things we buy. You asked what if people thought that way in
your profession. They have! In the industry I am in there is over
capacity. Too many companies thought they could do it better. The result
was over capacity and a buyers market. Companies, my own included had to
make concessions in order to keep customers. It really became cut throat
and several of these business went out of business and my company was
one of the survivors but not without its consequences.

We have downsized a half dozen times and many good people were walked to
the door and told not to come back. Any non-essential personnel were
looked at carefully and many of them were "let go" in order to survive.
I was (so far) one of the lucky ones, working in an essential part of
the business. A part they need in order to do business.

The economy is a big circle with everyone doing their part. People pay
for a product and the company makes a profit. People working for that
company go out and buy items from perhaps your company and you make a
profit and then you go out and simulate other business and so on and so
forth. I guess I would say go out compare prices and buy wisely.

I imagine that there are buyers out there that make the deals on great
items and sit back quietly watching as people complain about prices as
they make their next deal. Meteorites have been a great item to buy and
not have to worry about being able to sell it for pretty much what you
have in it over the ages. Right now we have a glut but sooner or later
that will most likely pass and we will be back to the old days of only a
few new meteorites coming out each year and higher prices for those
trying to own a piece of the newest rock, as there are more collectors
than ever these days.

I can remember the days where you had to search for months to even find
a dealer as there were so few of them. I'd say that things are much
better than in the past. Best!

--AL Mitterling

Michael L Blood wrote:

It is to all of you I ask the question, what would happen if people
thought that way about YOUR profession?
Received on Sun 05 Jun 2005 04:12:31 PM PDT

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