[meteorite-list] Making Sense of Droplets InsideDroplets(Chondrules & CAIs)
From: Jeff Kuyken <info_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jun 2 01:47:36 2005 Message-ID: <000d01c56736$94ff2050$75598b90_at_mandin4f89ypwu> Excellent point Rob! http://www.meteorites.com.au/features/nwa2086.html Cheers, Jeff Kuyken I.M.C.A. #3085 www.meteorites.com.au ----- Original Message ----- From: Rob Wesel To: Ron Baalke ; Meteorite Mailing List Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 3:40 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Making Sense of Droplets InsideDroplets(Chondrules & CAIs) Someone on the list had also mentioned the possibility that a CAI could be conical allowing chondritic material to fill the cone. The cone, when sliced would look like chondritic material completely encapsulated within a CAI. Context is everything. Rob Wesel http://www.nakhladogmeteorites.com ------------------ We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of the dreams. Willy Wonka, 1971 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Baalke" baalke_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov To: "Meteorite Mailing List" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 10:27 AM Subject: [meteorite-list] Making Sense of Droplets Inside Droplets(Chondrules & CAIs) > > > http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/May05/chondrulesCAIs.html > > Making Sense of Droplets Inside Droplets > Planetary Science Research Discoveries > May 31, 2005 > > --- The vexing presence of chondrules inside supposedly older > calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) in chondrites makes sense if the > CAIs were remelted. > > Written by G. Jeffrey Taylor > Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology > > Chondrules and calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) in stony > meteorites called chondrites are > silicate objects only fractions of a millimeter to several millimeters > in diameter. Both formed during rapid heating events at the dawn of the > solar system, before there were planets. Conventional wisdom, based on > numerous observations and isotopic > analyses, indicates that CAIs formed before chondrules. CAIs contained > more radioactive aluminum-26 (26Al, which has a half-life of only > 730,000 years) when they formed than did chondrules, indicating that > they formed 1-3 million years earlier. Relict pieces of CAIs have even > been found inside chondrules, and so must have formed earlier. However, > Shoichi Itoh and Hisayoshi Yurimoto of the Tokyo Institute of Technology > found a chondrule inside a CAI, the reverse of the normal situation, > which indicated that some chondrules must have formed before CAIs, a > blow to the conventional wisdom. > > Alexander (Sasha) Krot (University of Hawaii), Professor Yurimoto from > Tokyo, Ian Hutcheon (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), and Glenn > MacPherson (Smithsonian Institution) report two additional cases of > chondrules inside CAIs. They show that in both cases the CAIs contained > less 26Al when they crystallized than did most CAIs. The CAIs are also > depleted in oxygen-16 (16O), a characteristic associated with > chondrules. Durable minerals located in the central parts of the two > CAIs have 16O-rich compositions. Krot and his co-workers conclude that > the two chondrule-bearing CAIs had chondrule material added to them > during a reheating event about 2 million years after they had originally > formed. The conventional wisdom that CAIs are older than chondrules > remains intact, at least for now, but this work shows that CAIs, like > most solar system materials, can be reworked after they form. > > Reference: > > * Krot, A. N., H. Yurimoto, I. D. Hutcheon, and G. J. MacPherson > (2005) Chronology of the early Solar System from chondrule-bearing > calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions. Nature, vol. 434, p. 998-1001. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Chondrules and CAIs: Hot Stuff in the Early Solar System > > Chondritic meteorites are composed of materials that formed before > planets roamed the solar system. The oldest of these materials are > calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), light-colored objects rich in > refractory elements (that condense at > a high temperature). Besides calcium and aluminum, this includes > magnesium, titanium, and rare earth elements. CAIs range in size from > about a millimeter to a centimeter. Meteoriticists have identified > several distinct varieties of CAIs, but all share a high temperature > origin. Some might be condensates from the solar nebular; for example, > see the PSRD article: First Rock in the Solar System > <http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Oct02/firstRock.html>. Other CAIs might be > evaporation residues. > > Allende meteorite > Slab of the Allende CV carbonaceous chondrite. Large light-colored > objects are CAIs. Smaller, round, dark objects are chondrules. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Efremovka meteorite > A calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) in the carbonacious chondrite > Efremovka with anorthite (an), melilite (mel), and pyroxene (px). > > Chondrules are millimeter-sized frozen droplets of molten silicate. They > are less refractory than CAIs, but are still relatively high-temperature > products of solar system formation. Like CAIs, they come in a wide > variety of types, but all share a history of having been melted > (requires a temperature of more than 1400oC) and cooled rapidly (5 to > 1000oC/hour). > > PCA91082 meteorite > The chondritic meteorite PCA 91082 contains both chondrules and CAIs. > This X-ray map shows the elemental abundances in the meteorite: red is > magnesium, green is calcium and blue is aluminum. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Oxygen Isotope Fingerprint > > The relative abundances of the isotopes of oxygen are very informative > about the origin of solar system materials. There are three stable > (non-radioactive) varieties of oxygen isotopes. Each has the same number > of protons in the nucleus, but different numbers of neutrons, resulting > in atomic masses of 16, 17, and 18. These different isotopes are called > oxygen-16 (16O), oxygen-17 (17O), and oxygen-18 (18O). > > On Earth, rocks vary in the proportions of the three oxygen isotopes, > but they vary in a simple way. Two rocks with the same 18O/16O ratio > will have the same 17O/16O ratio. If their 18O/16O ratios differ by, > say, 0.2%, their 17O/16O ratios will differ by half this amount, 0.1%. > Rocks from Mars and igneous (melted) meteorites (which come from > asteroids) follow the same pattern, though the lines are offset from the > Earth line. Moon rocks lie on the Earth line. Thus, on a plot of 17O/16O > vs 18O/16O, planetary rock data lie along a line with a slope of 0.5. > > CAIs and chondrules do not obey this well established planetary slope > 0.5 behavior. They plot along a slope 1 line. Change 18O/16O by 0.1% and > 17O/16O also changes by 0.1%. This is consistent with addition or loss > of pure 16O. There are several proposed sources for the 16O [see PSRD > article: Oxygen Isotopes Give Clues to the Formation of Planets, Moons, > and Asteroids <http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Dec01/Oisotopes.html>] but > let's just use the amount of 16O as a marker. In general, CAIs have a > higher abundance of 16O than do chondrules, as shown in the diagram below. > > oxygen ratios > Plot showing the 18O/16O and 17O/16O ratios in chondrules and CAIs in > meteorites. These particles define a line with much steeper slope than > the Earth line, consistent with loss or addition of 16O. Chondrules > contain less 16O than do CAIs. Cosmochemists measure the 18O/16O and > 17O/16O ratios in terms of deviations in parts per thousand from a > standard (delta 18O and delta 17O). The usual standard is mean ocean > water, abbreviated SMOW, for Standard Mean Ocean Water. Pure 16O would > plot at -1000 parts per thousand on both axes. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Ages from Vanished Isotopes > > Cosmochemists can determine the relative ages of objects formed more > than 4.5 billion years ago by using the abundances of the decay products > of isotopes that no longer exist. The isotopes vanished because their > half-lives were so short that they have completely decayed. A prime > example of this is 26Al, which has a half life of only 730,000 years. It > decays to magnesium-26 (26Mg). The trick, of course, is to figure out > how to measure the abundance of something that no longer exists. > Cosmochemists perform this feat of isotopic magic by measuring the > aluminum and magnesium isotopes in different minerals in the same > samples. If 26Al was present when a sample formed, as the concentration > of aluminum increases, so should the abundance of 26Mg relative to 24Mg. > An example of this technique is shown in the diagram below. For more > information, see PSRD article: Using Aluminum-26 as a Clock for Early > Solar System Events <http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Sept02/Al26clock.html>. > > Mg isotopic ratios > Magnesium isotopic ratios measured in different minerals with different > ratios of aluminum to magnesium from a refractory inclusion in the > meteorite Allende. Magnesium shows excesses in the isotope 26 that are > correlated with the aluminum/magnesium ratio, indicating that the 26Mg > excesses originated from the decay of the radioactive isotope 26Al. This > finding is evidence for the initial presence of 26Al in early solar > system objects. > > Almost all the data gathered up to now indicate that the initial ratio > of 26Al/27Al is higher in CAIs than in chondrules. This ratio varied > with time in the early solar system because 26Al is radioactive. Data > for CAIs uniformly give an initial 26Al/27Al ratio of 5 x 10-5. Every > half life (730,000 years) decreases 26Al/27Al by a factor of two. > Chondrules tend to have 26Al/27Al lower than the values in CAIs. Using > the half life of 26Al, the 26Al/27Al ratio, and the equation for > radioactive decay, cosmochemists calculate that chondrules are between 1 > and 3 million years younger than CAIs. > > The story is not completely clear cut, of course. Martin Bizzarro and > colleagues at the Geological Museum, Denmark, and Victoria University of > Wellington, New Zealand, made very accurate isotopic analyses of > chondrules and CAIs drilled out of polished slabs of the Allende > chondrite. The five CAIs analyzed fell on a single line that indicated > the usual value of 5 x 10-5 for the 26Al/27Al ratio. The chondrules, > however, scattered more, indicating a range of initial 26Al/27Al ratios. > Some were equal to the typical CAI value; others were lower. Taken > together Martin Bizzarro's data suggest that formation of chondrules and > CAIs began at the same time, but that chondrule formation continued for > 1-2 million years after production of CAIs stopped. However, Sasha Krot > and his colleagues argue that Bizzarro dated the formation of the > chondrule precursor dust, not the time chondrules formed by melting. > Dating the time of formation of individual chondrules cannot be done > unambiguously from a bulk isotopic analysis of a chondrule--magnesium > and aluminum isotopes must be measured on separate mineral grains in a > chondrule. > > Nevertheless, Martin Bizzarro and his colleagues raise an important > issue that must be settled. One important line of evidence is the > presence of CAIs inside chondrules. These have been observed by several > meteoriticists, including Sasha Krot and Hisayoshi Yurimoto and their > co-workers. To be incorporated into a molten chondrule, a CAI must > already exist, hence is older. All the cases reported were of CAIs > inside chondrules. All, that is, until Itoh and Yurimoto found a > chondrule inside a CAI, implying contemporaneous formation of chondrules > and CAIs, in accord with the interpretation Martin Bizzarro and his > colleagues made from their isotopic data. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Chondrules Inside CAIs > > Sasha Krot was intrigued by the unsettling data reported by Bizzarro and > co-workers and by Itoh and Yurimoto. The data appeared to upset a > perfectly good applecart. He applied his very astute eye to some > chondrites and found more cases of chondrules inside CAIs. Then, working > with Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Ian Hutcheon, and Glenn MacPherson, they > studied the chondrules in detail with electron microscopy and electron > and ion microanalysis, and analyzed oxygen, magnesium, and aluminum > isotopes. The evidence they assembled suggests that the CAIs containing > chondrules were remelted in the chondrule-forming region. > > Allende meteorite > The top picture is of a CAI (blue and green) in the Allende meteorite. > The image was made by combining x-ray counts from magnesium (red), > calcium (green), and aluminum (blue) in an electron microprobe. The area > in the square labeled c is shown in an electron microscope image in the > lower photograph. The minerals olivine (ol) and orthopyroxene (opx) are > common in chondrules. Compositions and the minerals present point to > this area being a little piece of a chondrule. It was included in the > CAI melt, so must have existed already--that is, it is older. > > Krot and co-workers describe two CAIs that contain chondrule fragments. > The photographs above show what one of them looks like if your eyes > could see electrons and x-rays. The chondrules are clearly identified by > the presence of iron-bearing olivine and orthopyroxene, common minerals > in chondrules but not in CAIs. > > As shown in the oxygen isotope diagram above, CAIs and chondrules have > different amounts of 16O. Krot and his colleagues reasoned that if the > CAIs were remelted and had chondrules added to them, this ought to show > up in the oxygen isotopic compositions of mineral grains in the CAIs and > in their included chondrules. This is exactly what they found. Using an > ion microprobe they measured the isotopic compositions of minerals in > each CAI and its chondrule chip. They found that the chondrule material > had the normal chondrule oxygen, which is low in 16O. Relict, > hard-to-melt grains like spinel had more typical CAI-like compositions > much richer in 16O. Minerals that occur in the outer zones of the CAIs > have low amounts of 16O. All this suggests that both CAIs could have > been remelted, and a pre-existing chondrule was added to the melt. > > oxygen ratios > Oxygen isotopic compositions of minerals in two CAIs that contain > chondrule fragments. The minerals in the chondrules and in the outer > portions of the CAI have relatively low amounts of 16O (they plot close > to the intersection with the terrestrial line). Minerals in the interior > and minerals that melt at high temperatures (e.g., spinel) preserve the > typical composition richer in 16O. > > Krot and co-workers also measured magnesium and aluminum isotopes in > individual minerals using an ion microprobe. They found that when the > latest melting took place the chondrules contained much less 26Al than > typical for CAIs. This could mean that the CAIs formed later than other > CAIs. Or, it might mean that the CAIs formed at one time and were then > remelted some time later. According to the 26Al abundance, this second > melting would have taken place about 2 million years after the CAIs with > the initial 26Al/27Al ratio (5 x 10-5) formed (see diagram below). Krot > favors the second explanation on the basis of typical 16O abundance in > minerals in the interiors of the CAIs. > > Mg and Al ratios > Magnesium isotope abundances measured in different minerals with > different aluminum to magnesium ratios in two chondrule-bearing CAIs > (labeled ABC and TS26). The slopes of the lines fitted to the data for > these two inclusions are more than ten times less than the 5 x 10-5 > value characteristic of most CAIs, suggesting the two chondrule-bearing > inclusions formed at least 2 million years later. Sasha Krot and his > colleagues suggest that the younger age for these CAIs was caused by a > heating event that remelted them and incorporated chondrule materials > inside the molten glob of CAI. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Looking Back in Time > > This trip in a time machine to events that took place before the planets > formed would not be possible without high-tech analytical tools. The > CAIs and their included chondrules were identified by optical microscopy > and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and electron > microprobe analysis. The isotopic compositions of oxygen, magnesium, and > aluminum were measured with an ion microprobe, an amazing device that > can measure isotopes and trace elements on the scale of less than a > millimeter. These tools and the experience and intuitive powers of the > cosmochemists involved allow us to look back in time to when gas and > dust surrounded the young Sun, but before the planets accreted out of > the dusty cloud. In fact, the melting events recorded by the CAIs that > Krot and his team describe may be part of the planet-forming process. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > ADDITIONAL RESOURCES > > * Bizzarro, M., J. A. Baker, and H. Haack, 2004, Mg isotope evidence > for contemporaneous formation of chondrules and refractory > inclusions. Nature, vol 431, p. 275-278. > > > * Itoh, S. and H. Yurimoto (2003) Contemporaneous formation of > chondrules and refractory inclusions in the early Solar System. > Nature, vol. 423, p. 728-731. > > > * Krot, A. N., H. Yurimoto, I. D. Hutcheon, and G. J. MacPherson > (2005) Chronology of the early Solar System from chondrule-bearing > calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions. Nature, vol. 434, p. 998-1001. > > > * Lee, T., D. A. Papanastassiou, and G. J. Wasserburg (1976) > Demonstration of 26Mg excess in Allende and evidence for 26Al. > Geophys. Res. Lett., v. 3, p. 41-44. > > > * Scott, E. R. D. (2001) Oxygen Isotopes Give Clues to the Formation > of Planets, Moons, and Asteroids. Planetary Science Research > Discoveries. http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Dec01/Oisotopes.html. > > * Simon, S. B. (2002) First Rock in the Solar System. Planetary > Science Research Discoveries. > http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Oct02/firstRock.html > <http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Oct02/firstRock.html>. > > * Zinner, E. (2002) Using Aluminum-26 as a Clock for Early Solar > System Events. Planetary Science Research Discoveries. > http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Sept02/Al26clock.html. Received on Thu 02 Jun 2005 01:47:32 AM PDT |
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