[meteorite-list] Congressman Rohrabacher Backs Asteroid Agency

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jun 1 13:20:34 2005
Message-ID: <200506011719.j51HJsi19416_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>


Congressman Backs Asteroid Agency
Wired News
June 1, 2005

The creation of a government agency to protect the Earth from a
catastrophic asteroid strike is being endorsed by a senior member of the
U.S. House Science Committee.

But a related space mission to track an asteroid that may hit Earth in 2036
can't seem to get off the ground.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) said in a phone interview on Friday
that he supports former Apollo astronaut Russell Schweickart's proposal
to create a federal asteroid-response agency. Rohrabacher said he will
push Congress and the president to "take action on this by the end of
the year."

The proposed agency would have the authority to deflect or destroy a
threatening asteroid, most likely with the help of NASA and the Defense
Department. It would also mobilize emergency-response teams if an
asteroid impact could not be avoided.

Schweickart first proposed the idea last month, during a presentation at
the International Space Development Conference in Arlington, Virginia.

Both Rohrabacher and Schweickart acknowledge the chance of an asteroid
strike is extremely small. But they argue that the consequences of an
impact make it necessary to prepare in advance.

"I think it's worthwhile for us," said Rohrabacher. "If something can
destroy something the size of Rhode Island and disrupt the ecosystem of
the world, it's important to us."

So far, NASA's response to the idea has been positive.

"Right now, NASA has a charter to find and track these objects, but if
we do find something, who do we call?" said Donald Yeomans, manager of
NASA's Near Earth Object program. "It would be nice if someone had the
responsibility. The plans should be in someone's desk drawer."

Support for Schweickart's other proposal has not been so positive.
Schweickart has called on Congress to authorize a $300 million mission
to place a transponder on a 1,050-foot-wide asteroid known as 2004 MN4.

NASA scientists believe the asteroid has a roughly 1 in 14,000 chance of
smashing into Earth when it comes around in 2036. Schweickart argues
that a transponder would help refine that estimate and give the
appropriate agencies time to react, should we learn that the chance is
actually more like 1 in 10.

But Yeomans and other scientists believe ground-based studies over the
next decade will be just as effective in determining whether 2004 MN4
will actually hit Earth.

"I would be of the mind to wait until 2013 and get the optical and radar
data then," said Yeomans. "By far, the most probable situation is that
this will go away. If it doesn't, then we still have time to do
something about it."

Rohrabacher said he, too, preferred to wait before deciding whether a
tracking mission to the asteroid was necessary.

"In terms of a specific assignment, I've got make a determination as to
how we're going to deal with (a threatening asteroid) -- and who will
deal with it -- before we make that kind of assignment," he said.

Rohrabacher already has two asteroid-related bills before the House. The
Charles Conrad Astronomy Awards Act would reward amateur astronomers who
find near-Earth objects like comets and asteroids.

The George E. Brown Jr. Near-Earth Object Survey Act would require NASA
to expand its catalog of near-Earth objects to include objects down to
100 meters in diameter. The agency currently catalogs objects down to 1
kilometer in diameter.

Rohrabacher said he next plans to send a letter to NASA chief Michael
Griffin, asking for his official stance on the creation of a federal
asteroid-response agency. He said he hopes Congress or the president
will appoint an agency by the end of the year.

End of story
Received on Wed 01 Jun 2005 01:19:54 PM PDT

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