[meteorite-list] NASA grounds future shuttle flights

From: Chris Peterson <clp_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jul 27 21:40:53 2005
Message-ID: <015601c59315$5de9d910$f551040a_at_bellatrix>

Yes, but the foam insulation on the main tank is sprayed on, and I gather
that it was the loss of a piece of this foam that is causing the concern,
not the loss of tiles (although I guess one tile was lost). The shuttle can
generally survive reentry with some missing tiles; more serious is
mechanical damage from frozen foam colliding with the structure during


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

----- Original Message -----
From: "AL Mitterling" <almitt_at_kconline.com>
To: "Tom Knudson" <peregrineflier_at_npgcable.com>
Cc: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA grounds future shuttle flights

> Hi Tom and all,
> The tiles aren't sprayed on but manufactured and each has a number and
> fits at an exact place on the Space Shuttles. The Shuttle is contoured and
> so each Tile is a bit different from other tiles and why they are
> carefully numbered and placed. They use an adhesive glue (type) to secure
> the tiles. Certain tiles can take more atmospheric heat than other tiles.
> (black more heat, white less heat)
> It is not uncommon for tiles to be replaced during flights. A certain
> amount of damage has always occurred to some degree but not to the extent
> that doomed the Columbia. Also they use to paint the ET (external tank)
> white. They saved money (from weight and paint) by eliminating that step
> but perhaps the paint would work to secure the foam better on the ET.
> The reason for the foam is to insulate the cold fluids that are the
> propellants for the main engines on the inside of the ET. It also acts to
> keep the build up of ice (from humidity outside) to a minimum so it
> doesn't fall off and damage tiles or other sensitive area on the Shuttle.
> I think that the news media is making more out of this than needs to be
> done. However damaged tiles under and around the shuttle that protect it
> from re-entery is a concern along with thousands of other items that can
> be catastrophic in the event problems in those areas occur.
Received on Wed 27 Jul 2005 09:40:42 PM PDT

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