[meteorite-list] Steve's posts<--forged ?

From: David Freeman mjwy <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jul 17 10:07:27 2005
Message-ID: <42DA6612.8070005_at_fascination.com>

Pete wrote:
Predictably, you'll keep the flaming going, thereby degrading the
legitimacy of the rest of the group.
Hopefully, I can keep learning about meteorites from you all without the
nonsense to sift through!

Maybe Pete could ask Art about the poll recently conducted about Ssteve
and how much nonsense this has contributed
from a number of parties on the list.
All list members that are new and feel sorry for Ssteve should read the
list archives for the past few YEARS before chastizing anyone about
picking on our poor posterchild for very suspect business practices.
And my appologies to the newbies for blindly supporting very poor
business practices in the meteorite world.

>"Apologies and only respect to the real group!" < I am sure that
Elton, the "real group" and I would all accept your apology after you
read the archives.
Dave Freeman

Pete Pete wrote:

> Hello, List!
> Hi, (Elton?);
> Elton, I guess your post means you're in charge of the "If you're not
> with us, you're against us" department here.
> I'll try to calm your suspicions of me being a figment: (your
> cyber-snooping indicates you've got way too much time on your hands,
> and definitely lost focus of this newsgroup. You're the type of person
> that makes firewalls, worm protection and anonymity on the web
> unfortunately necessary these days. See below - all you had to do was
> ask!)
> First, I'm not on anyone's side here.
> I'm here to learn about meteorites from people as interested in them
> as I am.
> Being virtually at the beginner level, I have little to contribute.
> Therefore, my lack of postings shouldn't be suspicious to you.
> My profession is in the sciences, and I've got a fair working
> knowledge of my primary personal interest - astronomy. I'll chat
> anything from quantum physics to orbital calculus with you, if you'd
> like, but that would be a bit off topic...
> Meteorites are a relatively new concentration for me. I thought I had
> found one last summer, and after that excitement, I was truly bitten
> by this field. (No - it wasn't one)
> I belong to several news groups and blog sites covering a wide variety
> of interests.
> I joined the Meteorite List about a week ago and it's been the benefit
> I sought.
> My meteorite collection consists of one decent sample of the Brenham
> pallasite, and although it was a gift, I guarantee it wasn't purchased
> through Steve.
> I don't know Steve.
> I have visited his web site. Without criticism meant; though I could
> see his obvious enthusiasm by his collection (which would be very
> interesting to see close-ups of each sample), I found it mundane and
> uninformative. ***It looks like a new site, and I'm sure it will
> eventually improve. (But, hey! That's his business and his web site)
> I'm not here to fight his battles.
> I have no interest in what's behind the abrasion between you.
> My post was out of frustration.
> As I said, I'm with several lists and blogs spread over several
> interests - some with the expected rude and crude free-for-alls by
> experts - and I enjoy them all, but seeing a gaggle of insulting
> "flamers" in action a couple of times already in a supposedly science
> oriented group was disappointing to see here, and I reacted.
> Predictably, you'll keep the flaming going, thereby degrading the
> legitimacy of the rest of the group.
> Hopefully, I can keep learning about meteorites from you all without
> the nonsense to sift through!
> Apologies and only respect to the real group!
> Pete
> From: "E. L. Jones" <jonee_at_epix.net>
> CC: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Steve's posts<--forged ?
> Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 23:15:16 -0400
> Hello Cyber Sleuth's and Peace Loving Meteorite Enthusiasts!
> I am not in anyway trying to participate in the latest round of I,
> Steve. (But by writing this I guess I am and I have previously
> apologized for THIS post in my previous posts) This is about the
> supporters of His Works perhaps following the Matteo Protocol. I've
> wondered for some time why the few supporters of Chitown Ste2ve that
> speak up on the list, generally have throw-away, easy-to-fake email
> addresses... They post in Steve's hour of distress then they disappear
> into oblivion--never answering their emails..... Never posting on any
> other topic so far as I can recall.
> Makes me wonder how real those support emails are. I guess when you
> have as few real friends as some ex dealers-- er.... Limited Dealers
> have , one would be tempted to start a dialog with one's alter -ego.
> Anyone know where ISP [] and
> [bay104-nat1.bay104.hotmail.com] are located. My tools say the domain
> doesn't exist. DNS query for ** failed: *Queried domain
> does not exist.*
> Surely Chitown Ste2ve isn't so sophisticated as to cover his cyber
> tracks. er His supporters aren't so sophisticated as to cover his
> tracks...er their tracks....er you know what I mean.
> Speak up, Pete, show us you aren't a figment of someone's
> imagination. I like to know who and where I am talking with in the
> case we trade meteorites in the future<wink>
> Inquiring mind wants to know.
> El5ton
> Pete Pete wrote:
>> I don't mind your posts, Steve - I never get tired of looking at pics
>> of meteorites. If I don't want to buy, I don't read the sales
>> pitch...like going into an electronics store looking at the new
>> gadgets without any intent to buy.
>> Why is everyone so p-o'd? Isn't this part of what we're here for? I
>> admire anyone with a passion for this stuff!
>> Pete
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Received on Sun 17 Jul 2005 10:07:14 AM PDT

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