[meteorite-list] NPA 07-21 & 28-1917 Colby Meteorite Found, Seeks Data

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jul 4 14:34:27 2005
Message-ID: <BAY104-F7C13D26D46BE3D64F9FF1B3E70_at_phx.gbl>

Paper: The Stevens Point Journal
City: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Date: Saturday, July 21, 1917
Page: 4 (of 12)

Find Big Meteor.

     Medford - A fragment of a huge meteor that fell near Colby, sixteen
miles distant, July 4, has been sent to University of Wisconsin to be
analyzed. The rock appears to be highly mineralized, with some metal which
resembles lead or silver.


Paper: Stevens Point Daily Journal
City: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Date: Saturday, July 28, 1917
Page: 4 (of 4)


     H. L. Ward, scientist of the Milwaukee City museum, has been at Colby
this week investigating the facts in regard to the recent fall of a meteor
at that point. He secured possession of the greater part of the meteor and
will reconstruct it at Milwaukee.


Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas


PDF copy of this article, and most I post (and about 1/2 of those on my
website), is available upon e-mail request.

The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. The old list
server allowed us a search feature the current does not, so I guess this is
more for quick reference and shortening the subject line now.
Received on Mon 04 Jul 2005 02:34:26 PM PDT

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