[meteorite-list] Nininger to Hender Letter: June 17, 1958 British Museum gets meteorites

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jan 31 20:17:06 2005
Message-ID: <BAY4-F28EEB58300585744DC170B37D0_at_phx.gbl>

(American Meteorite Museum Letterhead)

P.O. Box 146 Sedona, Arizona

                                                         June 17, 1958

Dr. E. P. Henderson
Department of Mineralogy
The U.S. National Museum
Washington, D.C.

Dear Dr. Henderson:

     The British Museum has come through with a definite letter of
acceptance of the "vertical split" of our collection for which they had
asked. As we had told you, they had priority by reason of having stated
negotiations for this segment of the collection before you approached us.
     In view of this development and by reason of tax considerations we are
not now in position to consider further sales. We are, therefore,
withdrawing all offers to sell any part of the collection other than
individual items to researchers and the usual common specimens to individual
     In short, we shall continue for the present at least to operate on the
same old basis, promoting education and research through our museum.
     We realize that this is going to mean a great disappointment to you and
many others in this country but I am sure you will agree that we have
proceeded fairly in the matter.
     It has never been our wish to see the collection leave this country as
is testified by the many attempts we made to interest American institutions
in it during the past decade. We were taken by complete surprise when Max
Hey approached us with the proposition which had now crystallized in this
sale. I know you will understand.

                                                               H.H. Nininger

CC: Dr. Raymond J. Seeger
      Assistant Director
       National Science Foundation


Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Received on Mon 31 Jan 2005 08:16:38 PM PST

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