[meteorite-list] colorado meteorite picture HOW TO.

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jan 20 19:41:44 2005
Message-ID: <41F04FC8.2030203_at_fascination.com>

Dear Steve;
May I suggest going to ebay.com and checking pictures of rocks at mjwy
search word. I usually take 3-6 pictures of every specimen, use
specifically colored background cloth to enhance the eye appeal of the
specimen, always put in some form of scale, either the cube, or a ruler,
or even your hand so there is a comparative scale. I take a lot of
pictures of brown rocks, it is usually hard to get them to look really
cool so one has to work at it. Michael Casper took great pictures of
Bad pictures get one no where as bad pictures are worse than no picture
at all. Get a table like a folding card table, get your favorite piece
of cloth, either a pillow case, a single colored shirt and use the back
for the surface, or head over to the wallyworld store for a piece of the
yard goods department....the time spent in plotting the picture WILL
reflect more than just the rock. Use a tripod as often as you can, it
allows for a much crisper picture, and blur, even so slight will hinder
even the best composed picture.
A fine overcast, or sunlight are best, indoor lighting lacks in my book.
 Light is everything in photography, especially digital.
Gerald is correct, it's a digital camera take about 500 pictures and
delete all but the best five. Start over and do it again. After about
2,000 pictures (I am serious here) your eye for what the camera sees and
what you would like to project to the viewer of the picture, will
improve drastically.
Hope this helps all who attempt to capture images.
Dave F.

Gerald Flaherty wrote:

> Steve, A suggestion. Place the object you are photographing
> DOWN(steady is a good thing). Place it on a suitable background to
> provide some contrast (if the object is dark, a piece of white paper
> works well). Place it where you can focus some(like a lot of!) light
> on the object if you're unable to shoot outdoors (which is best as
> long as you eliminate glare).
> Take many shots(it's digital you can delete the baddies) from several
> angles(move your feet baby as in playing D on the "court"(you know
> Bball) because light can play multiple tricks both good and not so good.
> And enjoy youself, you only come around once!(no comments from the
> peanut gallery)
> Jerry Flaherty
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!"
> <steve_arnol60120_at_yahoo.com>
> To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 8:22 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] colorado meteorite picture
>> Hi again list.I put up a picture on my homepage of this new specimen
>> before I sanded it down.Let me have your thoughts.It is one big piece of
>> metal.
>> steve arnold, chicago
>> =====
>> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
>> I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
>> Illinois Meteorites
>> website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
>> http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/illinoismeteorites/
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Received on Thu 20 Jan 2005 07:41:44 PM PST

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