[meteorite-list] NPA 08-22-1873, New London, Ohio Meteor Wrong
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jan 14 10:42:03 2005 Message-ID: <BAY4-F9324BC84EB33F51AD6362B38B0_at_phx.gbl> Paper: Sandusky Daily Register City: Sandusky, Ohio Date: Friday, August 22, 1873 Page: 2 (of 4) Singular. The New London (Ohio) Record of last week says: "On Monday, while Mr. Hotchkiss, of this place, was engaged in work of some description near his barn, he suddenly heard a whizzing sound as if some missile was being hurled through the air, and acting under the impulse of the moment, jumped backward, when some object struck the earth near where he had been standing, imbedding itself in the ground. He was considerably frightened at the time and went into the house, but in fifteen or twenty minutes went to the place when the missile had struck, and digging down twelve or fourteen inches found the object, which proved to be an Aerolite or meteoric stone. The stone came from a southeasterly direction, and when taken from the ground was quite hot, and looked as if small pieces had been chipped off in its aerial journey. It was broken in two and Mr. H., has sent one of the pieces to Republic for the inspection of geologists there. Let some philosopher 'rise and explain' the why and wherefore of this mysterious visitor. (end) Clear Skies, Mark Bostick Wichita, Kansas http://www.meteoritearticles.com http://www.kansasmeteoritesociety.com http://www.imca.cc http://stores.ebay.com/meteoritearticles PDF copy of this article, and most I post (and about 1/2 of those on my website), is available upon e-mail request. The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. The old list server allowed us a search feature the current does not, so I guess this is more for quick reference and shortening the subject line now. Received on Fri 14 Jan 2005 10:41:10 AM PST |
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