[meteorite-list] Possible Mars meteorite!

From: Alexander Seidel <gsac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jan 13 15:55:08 2005
Message-ID: <15765.1105649706_at_www6.gmx.net>

> Something tells me the NomCom would waive the type specimen requirement.

Probably in a unanimous decision! :-)

It may be a meteorite on Mars, and this would be exciting news, but
on the other hand Opportunity is just crossing a field of leftovers from
its entry, descent and landing system, and couldn?t this be nothing but
another little fragment, though very strange with such an almost natural
optical appearance at first glance? Time (and most of all a closer analysis)
will tell...

By the way: on the official NASA pages I am missing the mission groundtracks
superimposed on high res pictures of the landing sites for both robots,
which, on a much earlier occasion, were so exciting to look at when the
detailed mission press reports were released by NASA for the Apollo missions
in the early Seventies. Both Mars robots travelled exciting paths so far,
several mi/km long, but why is such a groundtrack view superimposed on high
resolution landscape photography missing on the NASA websites? Ron Baalke?
(..Or have I overlooked something?).

Received on Thu 13 Jan 2005 03:55:06 PM PST

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