[meteorite-list] about this list and everything inbetween
From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jan 10 12:03:44 2005 Message-ID: <41E2B56F.8000305_at_fascination.com> Dear Dana; I figured out back, oh, almost six years ago that if we all were like Elmer Fud that this list wouldn't work. Great minds in Earth's history have all been a wee-bit off of kilter with their social skills. As long as WE realize how great or small, that they all put the pants on one leg at a time...and when they smash a thumb in a car (or rocket) door, they will probably instinctively all utter a four letter word...we all are the same. Yes, a large difference in some areas but basically the same. Oh, and some list members you will learn to love like family for the wisdom and fine quality manners they bestow. Good luck chopping your rock, let us know how it turns out, we all started about the same place you are, my first cut child was a Gold Basin....what is yours List? Very best, Dave F. (non Tuscon ;-) ) Dana wrote: >Everyone cross your fingers for me today I am sawing >off a piece of my rock to see the inside. Not knowing >what I might of had everyone laugh at me I had >scrubbed the rock with Dawn dish washing liquid and >and a vegetable scouring brush. I thought I was >getting creek crud off the rock at the time I had not >even thought of fusion crust! LOL Then I took it an >threw it out in my yard because I did not see any >fossils in it. I kept it because it was a heavy >bugger and unlike any others I had from this area. > >By the way, I do not mind the public outbursts and >name calling. I am new to the group and thus just >beginning to learn. Now I know that all you old >timers to the list are probably rolling your eyes >heavenward, but hang with me and hear me out. > >Seeing some people making arses of themselves on here >allows me to realize who I would like to do business >with and not do business with. I will learn who to >ignore and not ignore. And yes, these things are >important to learn as expand my rock collection to >include meteorites. > >What I have come to realize the more and more I read >about meteorites is the collection of great minds that >have come together here. Granted great minds working >in the field will clash, anyone who is unable to see >this is not in my personal opinion of great >intelligence themselves. > >Also standing around b!tching about others having a >dispute on the list is in no way going to make this >group look any better either or help to resolve the >issues that inflamed someone. > >Also I have never not once had a ton of junk mail >because I subscribed to this list. If this is >happening to you perhaps you should subscribe in the >daily digested form instead of the individual emails. > >I stand back looking at this large group of really >interesting people and still think this is a great >group in spite of a few flaws. > >Basically, I am happy just to be here. Anyone who >doesn't feel the same need not gripe just unsubscribe. > >Dana Hawn > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more. >http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250 >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > Received on Mon 10 Jan 2005 12:03:43 PM PST |
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