[meteorite-list] Troilite inclusions

From: Zelimir Gabelica <Z.Gabelica_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jan 4 13:21:36 2005
Message-ID: <>

Hello Bernd, Frank, Mike, List,

Many thanks for the info about terrestrial troilite. Here (at work) I only
had a small reference textbook on mineralogy. Home I have some 2000+
mineral books and (almost all) journals, among which those books you are
mentioning. It may also well happen that I have some troilite specimen in
my extended mineral collection.
Sorry then for having perhaps asked an obvious question. This at least
shows that our List works well and efficiently.
Thank you all again for the pertinent documentation. The troilite problem
remains interesting in many aspects.



A 17:57 04/01/05 +0000, vous avez ?crit :

>Zelimir wrote
>"I fully agree. Indeed, after a rapid checking through some textbooks on
>hand, I did not find any terrestrial occurrence for troilite.
>Does anyone know for some ?"
>Hi Zelmir here is what I found:
>In "Handbook of Mineralogy" 1990 by Anthony et. al. p. 538
>Occurrence: Found in serpentine (Del Norte Co., California, USA); with
>Fe-Cu-Ni sulfides in a layered ultramafic intrusive (Sally Malay deposit,
>Australia); and as nodules in meteorites.
>Distribution: From the Alta mine, Del Norte Co., California, USA. In the
>Wannaway Fe-Ni-Cu deposit, and at the Sally Malay Cu-Ni deposit, 120 km
>north of Halls Creek, Western Australia. From Disco Island and the
>Ilimaussaq Intrusion, southern Greenland. In many meteorites.
>I see from Charon Cisneros list at Mineralogical Research she has it for
>sale from the Alta mine. Here is the url; <http://www.minresco.com/syst/t.htm>
>Mike Jensen IMCA 4264
>Bill Jensen IMCA 2359
>Jensen Meteorites
>16730 E Ada PL
>Aurora, CO 80017-3137
>Meteorite-list mailing list

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Universit? de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15
Received on Tue 04 Jan 2005 01:28:41 PM PST

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