[meteorite-list] Fw: Meteorite Book Collection, plus more....
From: Michael Cottingham <mikewren_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jan 3 23:48:20 2005 Message-ID: <002a01c4f210$aeebbd20$7cd9ead8_at_hppav> ----- Original Message ----- From: Michael Cottingham To: Michael Cottingham Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 8:50 PM Subject: Fw: Meteorite Book Collection, plus more.... ----- Original Message ----- From: Michael Cottingham To: Michael Cottingham Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 6:02 PM Subject: Meteorite Book Collection, plus more.... Hello, Before I list this collection in My EBAY STORE, I am offereing it to individuals who have asked me to inform them when I was going to sell ALL of my remaining Book Collection and related material concerning meteorites. Well here it is. 150 plus items _at_ $3,000.00 with Insured Shipping Included in The Price. This price is for everthing and as some of you know this is a fantastic deal for this many meteorite books at one time. In fact I believe this is the largest offering of this many Meteorite books at one time in over 15 years! You can't imagine HOW LONG it took to assemble this many books,papers, etc on Meteorites! Most are between Very Good and Fine in Condition. Thanks & Best Wishes Michael Cottingham Over 150 Items! 1. FIND A FALLING STAR, H.H.Nininger, Hardcover. 248 pages. 2. THE MOON, METEORITES AND COMETS, B.M. Middlehurst. Hardcover. 810 pages. 3. METEORITE HUNTER, Roy Gallant, 231 pages. Hardcover. 4. THE METEORITE & TEKTITE COLLECTOR's HANDBOOK, P. Bagnall. 160 pages. Hardcover. 5. THUNDERSTONES & SHOOTING STARS, The Meaning of Meteorites. R. Dodd, 196 pages. Hardcover. 6. BRAZILIAN STONE METEORITES, C. Gomes. 159 pages. Harcover. 7. THE SEARCH FOR OUR BEGINNING, R. Hutchison. 164 pages. Harcover. 8. THE POLARIZING MICROSCOPE, A.F.Hallimond. 295 pages. Hardcover. 9. ROCKS FROM SPACE. O.Richard Norton, 448 pages. Hardcover. Signed. 10. PETROGRAPHY AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ROCKS IN THIN SECTIONS. By Williams.Turner.Gilberet. 626 pages. Hardcover. 11. STONES FROM THE STARS, The Unsolved Mysteries of Meteorites. T.R. LeMaire. 185 pages. Hardcover. 12. MAN AND METEORITES, Brian Pejovic, 119 pages, Hardcover, Signed. 13. BETWEEN THE PLANETS, Fletcher G. Watson, 200 pages, Hardcover. 14. COMETS,METEORITES, & MEN, Peter Lancaster Brown, 255 pages. Harcover. 15. THE METEORITE CRATERS, Willy Ley, 135 pages, Harcover. 16. THE INNER PLANETS, By Clark R. Chapman, 170 pages. Hardcover. 17. STARDUST TO PLANETS, H. Y. McSween, Jr., 241 pages, Harcover. 18. METEORITES AND THEIR PARENT PLANETS, H.Y. McSween, Jr., 310 pages, Hardcover. 19. OUT OF THE SKY An Introduction To Meteoritics, H.H. NININGER, 336 pages, Hardcover (1952) 1st Edition. 20. DISTURBING THE SOLAR SYSTEM, Alan E. Rubin. 361 pages, Hardcover. 21. METEORITES AND THEIR ORIGINS, G.J. McCall, 352 pages, Hardcover. 22. SOUTHWEST METEORITE COLLECTION A Pictorial Collection, Marvin Kilgore, 201 pages, Harcover. Signed. 23. ASTRONOMY, Cambridge Illustrated History, 392 Pages, Hardcover. 24. METEORITE CRATERS AND IMPACT STRUCTURES OF THE EARTH, Paul Hodge, 125 pages, Hardcover. 25. METEORITES, By Fritz Heide. 144 pages, Harcover. 26. SMITHSONIAN SCIENTIFIC SERIES , Minerals From Earth And Sky, 320 pages, Hardcover. 27. MOONS AND PLANETS, W. K. Hartmann, 404 pages, Harcover. 28. METEORITE CRATERS, By Kathleen Mark, 288 pages, Hardcover. 29. COMETS, ASTEROIDS, AND METEORITES, Time Life Books, 144 pages, Hardcover. 30-46 METEORITE Magazine (16 Back Issues, Most out of Stock) Very Good To Fine Condition. 47-55 VOYAGE Magazine The Magazine of Meteorites & Space Events (9 Back Issues ALL Out of Stock and Rare) Very Good To Fine. 56. AUSTRALIA'S METEORITE CRATERS, A. Bevan and K. Mcnamara, 28 pages, Softcover. 57. GUIDE BOOK TO THE GEOLOGY OF METEORITE CRATER,ARIZONA, Eugene M. Shoemaker and Susan W. Kieffer. With Map, 66 pages, Softcover. 58. METEORITICS, Volume 30, Number 3, May 1995. 140 pages. Softcover. 59. THE MICROSCOPIC PROPERTIES OF METEORITES, Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics. Volume 4, Number 6, 239 pages, Softcover. 60. COLLECTING METEORITES, H. Carman. 78 pages. Softcover. Signed. 61. THE HANDBOOK OF COLORADO METEORITES, Matt Morgan, 40 Pages. Softcover. 62. TEKTITES A Cosmic Paradox, Hal Provenmire, 112 Pages, Softcover, Signed. 63. METEORITES And Their Properties, David A. Kring. 32 Pages. Softcover. 64. METEORITES Messengers From Space, By F. Heide and F. Wlotzka, 231 Pages, Softcover. 65. TEKTITES Witnesses Of Cosmic Catastrophes, Guy Heinen, 200 Pages. Softcover. 66. METEORITES, Alain Carion, 37 Pages, Softcover. 67. METEORITES Their Impact On Science and History, B. Zanda and Monica Rotaru, 128 Pages, Softcover. 68. PLANETARY MATERIALS, P. H. Ribbe, 600 Pages, Softcover. 69. METEORS, Neil Bone, 176 Pages, Softcover. 70-80. SKY & TELESCOPE, SMITHSONIAN, And Other Magazines With Meteorite Related Material. Softcover. Great Articles on Meteorites and related topics. Some are very Collectible and Rare. 81. THE METEOR CRATER STORY, By George Foster, 44 pages, Softcover. 82. METEOR CRATER The First Hundred Years of Explorations, James Tobin, 43 Pages, Softcover. 83. THE TUCSON METEORITES, Richard R. Willey, 48 Pages, Softcover. 84. ATLAS OF ROCK-FORMING MINERALS IN THIN SECTION, Mackenzie and Guilford., 98 Pages, Softcover. 85. ATLAS OF IGNEOUS ROCKS AND THEIR TEXTURES, Mackenzie and Donaldson, 148 Pages, Softcover. 86. THE TUCSON METEORITES Their History From Frontier Arizona To The Smithsonian, 47 Pages, Softcover. 87. SPACE ROCKS AND BUFFALO GRASS, By Ellis L. Peck, 116 Pages, Softcover. 88. LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE XVII, Part 1 and Part 2, 1014 Pages, 2 Volumes. Softcover. !! 89. LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE XVIII, Part 1 and Part 2, 769 Pages, 2 Volumes. Softcover, !!! 90. LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE XXV, Part 1, 2, and 3, 1579 Pages, 3 Volumes. Softcover, !!!! 91. CATALOGUE OF METEORITES (Photocopy), 4th Edition. By Bevan & Hutchison. 500 Pages. Softcover. 92. FIRE CAME BY, J. Baxter and Thomas Atkins, 165 Pages, Hardcover. 93. HUNTING FOR STARS, By Michel Maurette, 186 Pages, Softcover. 94. ARIZONA'S METEORITE CRATER, H.H.Nininger, 232 Pages, Softcover. 95. STEINE DES HIMMELS METEORITE, By Jochen Schluter, 120 Pages, Softcover. 96. THE HUSS COLLECTION OF METEORITES, 58 Pages, Softcover. 97. THE SECOND HUSS COLLECTION OF METEORITES, 30 Pages, Softcover. 98. METEORS AND METEORITES IN THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST, By J. Bjorkman, 132 Pages. Softcover. 99. FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS OF METEORITES FROM VICTORIA LAND AND THIEL MOUNTAINS REGION, ANTARCTICA, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984, By U. Marvin and G. Macpherson. 146 Pages. Softcover. 100 -144. METEORITE DEALER CATALOGS, AUCTION LISTS, PRICE LISTS, ETC. Here is a Collection of 44+ Catalogs from the top Meteorite Dealers. A wealth of Photos, Information and Prices. This is a very Valuable collection of Information. 145. NEW MEXICO QUARTERLY, Article by Lincoln La Paz on Meteoritics. (1959), Softcover. 146. MINERALS IN THIN SECTION, By Perkins & Henke, 123 pages, Softcover. 147. GEOLOGY AND MINERAL DEPOSITS OF THE SUDBURY STRUCTURE, 60 pages, Maps, Softcover. 148-152. CLASSIFICATION REPORTS (5) OF Floydada, Tolar, Pasamonte (b), Roosevelt County 079-090, NWA 090, Original Reports with Thin Section Photos. Approximate 100 pages. 153-168. 16 Different Publications, Covering Many Different Meteorites: Like, Weatherford, Johnstown, Santa Rosa, Tocavita, Odessa, Glorietta, Yugoslavije Meteorites, Saudia Arabian Meteorites, Pasamonte, and many others. Most with Photos and Maps, Many of These are very Rare Publications ! All Softcover. * Also Included are Many Original Photograps of Many different Meteorites. Received on Mon 03 Jan 2005 10:51:33 PM PST |
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