[meteorite-list] 20x magnification

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Feb 18 07:52:02 2005
Message-ID: <DIIE.000000150000330A_at_paulinet.de>

> http://www.meteoritelabels.com/scope1.jpg

> The large chondrule is 2mm across. If you
> had to guess, what classification could this be?

Hi Roman and List,

If I had to guess and it looks like I have to, I'd say it's probably
an L4 or an L5 chondrite but I think it is an L4 chondrite, maybe
L3.8 if you are lucky but there are several chondrule boundaries
in this view that are not sharply delineated and there are numerous
chondrule fragments, in other words metamorphism has taken its toll.

Best wishes,

(Guessing) Bernd
Received on Fri 18 Feb 2005 07:51:57 AM PST

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