[meteorite-list] Tucson 05 Retrospective
From: M come Meteorite Meteorites <mcomemeteorite2004_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:52:51 2005 Message-ID: <20050216165249.76099.qmail_at_web50103.mail.yahoo.com> its type when you have take in turn Dr.A.Rubin where you have say not work well only why he have say your material its a fake? Matteo --- "S. Ray DeRusse" <srd_at_ispwest.com> ha scritto: > > Now Now Now Mr. Farmer; > There is no need for name calling. You seem to > have quite a bit of > anger derived from being confronted with unsavory > facts. We're just > reporting what was conveyed to us from the TCU > geology department dean. > We did not say Mr. Ehlmann was not a nice person to > you. In fact we do > not agree with much of what the dean said to us > about him, but the dean > has a different opinion obviously from experience. > Our experience is > related and somewhat different, well documented, and > verifiable. Your > anger has quite a grip on you but unfortunately this > is not enough to > change the facts. Keep your chin up Mr. Farmer > things will get better > eventually. > > Cordially, > > S. Ray DeRusse > www.bccmeteorites.com > ____________________________________________________________________________________________ > Michael Farmer wrote: > > > Now I know that you are a bitter piece of filth > who doesn't have a > > meteorite and it lashing out at the world for it. > > Dr Ehlmann is the nicest man in the world, and > knows meteorites better > > than you can imagine, he has curated one of the > worlds finest > > collections for decades. > > Why don't you just fade away, and lock yourself > and your "meteorites" > > in a cave for a while? Bitterness and hatefulness > (and lawsuits) will > > not turn your crappy rocks into meteorites, no > matter how much you wish. > > Sincerely > > Mike Farmer > > ----- Original Message ----- From: "S. Ray > DeRusse" <srd_at_ispwest.com> > > To: "Notkin" <geoking_at_notkin.net> > > Cc: "Meteorite List" > <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 10:21 PM > > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson 05 > Retrospective > > > > > >> Greetings List; > >> > >> Well, imagine our surprise when we read the > thread below. I had a > >> personal conversation with the Dean of the TCU > geology department in > >> which he informed me that among other things, Dr. > Ehlmann was "barely > >> a geologist and not a very good one at that". He > also called him, "an > >> old man just waiting to retire," just a menial > curator of a meteorite > >> collection doing no real research". He said more > but I don't > >> necessarily agree with everything he Dean said. > But it matters not > >> much since in my view this award has very little > meaning attached to > >> it because of the group handing it out. Was there > some sort of > >> election or nomination procedure involved or > posted somewhere? How > >> does this little favoritism scheme and showering > of affection work > >> for a group who even his colleague has bad > mouthed him this way. Did > >> you include the Dean's viewpoint ? Or did you > gather together willy > >> nilly to keep misconduct and racism a fertile > nesting ground in > >> planetary science? > >> > >> Cordially, > >> S. Ray DeRusse and Bill Cutler > >> www.bccmeteorites.com > >> > ____________________________________________________________________________________________ > > >> > >> > >> Notkin wrote: > >> > >>> Dear Friends and Listees: > >>> > >>> I've come up for air after a long and sometimes > exhausting Tucson > >>> show. This was my first show as a legal resident > of the great state > >>> of Arizona and it was a very different > experience for me. I had a > >>> house full of overnight guests, hosted the big > birthday bash, met > >>> with clients, acted as Allan Lang's auctioneer, > bought and traded > >>> for a few collection pieces, and generally ran > around like a lunatic > >>> taking care of a million things for nearly three > weeks. I think it > >>> was more fun when I used come out here for a > vacation each February > >>> . . . but then I had to go back to New York > afterwards, and that > >>> part wasn't so fun : ) > >>> > >>> I'd like to sincerely thank all of you who > joined Steve Arnold IMB > >>> and myself for the Sixth Annual Meteor Mayhem > party and Harvey > >>> Awards. The consensus was that the new venue > (The Copper Club, > >>> inside the Arizona Plaza) was a HUGE improvement > over previous > >>> venues, and I agree. Our many guests were able > to move around and > >>> socialize, instead of being pinned behind a > crowded restaurant > >>> table, while experiencing lousy waiter service . > . . and Steve and I > >>> certainly enjoyed having a stage from which to > present the Harvey > >>> Awards. We will return to the Copper Club next > year if the hotel > >>> remains open. > >>> > >>> Congrats to the 2005 Harvey Award winners: > >>> > >>> Dr. Art Ehlmann -- Lifetime achievement > >>> Michael Blood -- Ambassador award > >>> Mike Miller -- Best new meteorite find > >>> Ruben Garcia -- Best new meteorite find > >>> Sonny Clary -- Rookie of the year! > >>> Jose Guggiari -- Best new meteorite find > >>> Edwin "E.T." Thompson -- Lifetime achievement > >>> > >>> And remember, you don't have to be "old" to > receive a lifetime > >>> achievement award : ) There are many other > deserving people in our > >>> community, so stay tuned for next year's awards! > >>> > >>> Low point of the show this year was when > somebody stole one of our > >>> Harvey Awards, while they were on display prior > to the awards > >>> ceremony. It was somewhat embarrassing that -- > thanks to our thief > >>> -- we did not have an award to give to our final > recipient (E.T.), > >>> but I was able to make another one, and deliver > it to E.T.'s room > >>> before he left for Oregon. I know that Harveys > are something of a > >>> hot item, but COME ON that's pretty low. We're > going to make a > >>> special "Jackass of the Year" certificate for > the person who stole > >>> the award, and we'll leave it out on the table > next year, so be sure > >>> to steal that too. Thanks. > >>> > >>> On a more positive note, I'd like to thank Twink > & Larry Monrad and > >>> Jim Kriegh for the stunning Gold Basin panorama > birthday cake, which > >>> they very kindly brought to the party. This > year's cake was the best > >>> ever. Also, thanks to my co-host Steve Arnold > IMB, and my great > >>> friend Geoff Cintron who did everything from act > as chauffeur to > >>> buying us drinks during the awards; and Lisa > Marie Morrison of > >>> Sirocco Design, a very talented jewelry > designer, who served as our > >>> glamorous hostess *and* absentee bid agent > during the R.A. > >>> Langheinrich auction. > >>> > >>> As always, Michael Blood's auction was a great > event (I came home > >>> with the one piece I really wanted) and bigger > than ever this year. > >>> Allan Lang's auction on the Sunday was a success > too, and I shocked > >>> everyone by showing up in a suit and tie. Well, > once a year with the > === message truncated === ===== M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY Email: mcomemeteorite2004_at_yahoo.it Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.it Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140 MSN Messanger: spacerocks at hotmail.com EBAY.COM:http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/mcomemeteorite/ ___________________________________ Nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: E' molto pi? divertente: Audibles, Avatar, Webcam, Giochi, Rubrica Scaricalo ora! http://it.messenger.yahoo.it Received on Wed 16 Feb 2005 11:52:49 AM PST |
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