[meteorite-list] Re: Now Playing...was that it?

From: DNAndrews <DNA1_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Feb 12 18:45:01 2005
Message-ID: <420E94FA.9050101_at_cableone.net>

Mark Bowling wrote:

> I don't know Dave, I think so. I was going to tape it - I thought it
> was going to a commercial break from Shania and I missed the start...

I'll try again tomorrow as well. I too thought we were going to a
break, but it just started WAY too quickly. If I can get it captured
and down to under 10Mb of so, I'll upload it to my webspace for
everyone's perusal.

Slow-on-the-trigger Dave (bottom poster)
Received on Sat 12 Feb 2005 06:44:58 PM PST

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