[meteorite-list] Its back boys and girls!

From: Dana <zeus_daughter2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Dec 20 22:52:23 2005
Message-ID: <20051221035221.65229.qmail_at_web50103.mail.yahoo.com>


Now if this guy reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally wants to
sell this thing that I am getting tired of seeing on
ebay for 7 million dollars, why doesn't he saw off a
piece and get it certified? Secondly, isn't the
quoting of the bible scripture just a little friggin'
weird to include with the discription of the item for
sale? woo hoo....

I am sick of seeing this thing going up for auction
without certification. Don't that bozo know he can
get it done for free or what?

Dana Hawn
Louisville, IL

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