[meteorite-list] Full disclosure and list conventions-OT
From: E. L. Jones <jonee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Aug 13 02:28:36 2005 Message-ID: <42FD930B.1060304_at_epix.net> Perhaps a bit off topic except that it deals with the list itself. I've remained silent hoping the practice would go away but it hasn't. Sunshine is a good disinfectant. Call me paranoid, nosy, or confrontational-- but do not call me out because I choose to speak up about games/ploys someone may play for whatever jollies they get from it. I'm aware of someone posting under separate subscriptions, with separate signatures, unrelated email addresses, etc. I guess they think we should read between the lines, else search for clues as to which posts are sent by which individual. I can understand separate addresses for work and home etc. It is certainly curious if not suspicious as to why one maintains separate identities here amongst friends and colleagues. Why even rasie the issue? We've had far too much game play on the list with all the duplicate subscription subterfuge. While this may be totally innocent, cultural or unintentional; it parallels past poster's shady schemes. I otherwise don't care and don't need to know-- but shucks-- looks like, talks like, and quacks like an amphibious avian--might be a duck could be a goose. While there are no "rules"per se, which preclude this, I believe it is a breach of etiquette, and comes across as being less than above board--especially when one identity is used for one class of topics and the other for different class of"expression"-- or yet still-- when both are used in juxtaposition on the same topic as to infer to be from two different people. Past convention has been --and remains-- to "sign" one's posts. Past practice, unfortunately includes disguises by malcontents to sneak around. To those ends, I'd like to ask those that are doing so, consider the putting the overall integrity and confidence in list communications above game play-- and reconsider the message it sends to others it as to how trustworthy you really are. At least this little sunshine note raises awareness. Thanks for listening, Elton Received on Sat 13 Aug 2005 02:28:27 AM PDT |
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