[meteorite-list] NWA 2766 - LL3.9 with olivine/FeS barred chondrules

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Apr 25 11:21:42 2005
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000003300003768_at_paulinet.de>

> This is sort of cool and unusual looking. Thought
> somebody might like to see some photos:

> http://www.meteoriteshop.com/nwa2766.html

Hello Dean and List,

Congratulations on having acquired this extraordinary LL3.9
and on having it classified. Now, what's so cool about it ?

1) There are only four LL3.9 chondrites (as far as I know):
   - Bo Xian - DaG 180
   - HaH 093 - NWA 083

2) The large olivine Fa-range of Fa24 - Fa29, which is comparable
   only to NWA 083 (Olivine Fa28.4 ? 5.0) - according to Met.Bull.
   85, 2001 July, 083 was purchased by M. Farmer and M. Cotting-
   ham in 8/2000 and the main masses are (still?) with the buyers.

3) It seems to be unpaired with 083 because of the differing shock
   and weathering stages: S5 - W1 for NWA 083 / S2 - W2 for Dean's.

4) But the weirdest thing, if I got that right,... would be those barred
   olivine chondrules containing FeS (troilite) either incorporated into
   the chondrule bars or lining them (or interstitial), or maybe troilite
   is present as chondrule rims - if the latter is the case, your meteorite
   and the Antarctic L3 chondrite ALHA79045 would be the only ones in which
   such chondrules have been found to date.

It is not unusual to find FeS in the surrounding matrix but quite rare
to find troilite inside barred chondrules. I have never heard about
that before, so again sincere congrats on this "goodie".

Any comments?

Best regards,


To: deanbessey_at_yahoo.com
Received on Mon 25 Apr 2005 11:21:37 AM PDT

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