[meteorite-list] WANTED: small slices of Zagami/NWA480

From: a.dijkstra <a.dijkstra_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 21 06:44:04 2005
Message-ID: <380-220054421104350418_at_westnet.com.au>

Dear list members,

I am looking for a small slice (0.2-0.3 g) of Zagami and/or NWA
480/1460 for a research project. Would anybody who has such small
pieces consider parting with them for $400-500/g (plus costs of
postage to Australia)? I am afraid that is all I can afford......

Other shergottites, other than the 'usual' SaU05, DaG476, Dhofar19
and NWA1068 and their pairings, for that same price could also be
interesting for me.

I am relatively new to the meteorite field, but I have considerable
background in petrology of terrestrial rocks. I guarantee that these
pieces will be used for research only and will not be resold.

Arjan Dijkstra


Department of Applied Geology
Curtin University of Technology
Hayman Road, Bentley, Perth, WA 6102, AUSTRALIA
Received on Thu 21 Apr 2005 06:43:50 AM PDT

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