[meteorite-list] O.T. - Major Milestone in Amatuer Aeronautics
From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Apr 1 05:11:51 2005 Message-ID: <20050401101149.32024.qmail_at_web51708.mail.yahoo.com> -------------- Forward Message ------------- Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 00:56:58 -0800 To:"Stratofox Announcements" <announce_at_stratofox.org> Subject: [Stratofox Announce] Stratofox named as judges for LunaCaching Prize I'm glad we can now announce this... We've had to keep it quiet for a while. Yesterday several Stratofox members were at the Mission Control Center of TubeRat Aerospace when they landed a probe on the Moon! You can see us in the mission control video they've posted at http://www.tuberat.com/ The reason we were there is because Stratofox has been invited to be the judges for the "LunaCaching Prize". http://www.tuberat.com/prize.html Anyone wanting the prize money will have to retrieve a cryptographic token from the probe that landed there yesterday. Here's our announcement: http://www.stratofox.org/lunacaching-judging-200504.html _______________________________________________ Received on Fri 01 Apr 2005 05:11:48 AM PST |
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