[meteorite-list] IMCA proposal (was NomCom & IMCA...)
From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Sep 25 12:22:41 2004 Message-ID: <2863FE73.42FA12E1.0BFED528_at_aol.com> Note: I apologise in advance to list-members not interested in hearing more on this subject and promise in the near term this will be my last post on the subject. En un mensaje con fecha 09/24/2004 7:22:11 AM Mexico Daylight Time, magellon_at_earthlink.net escribe: >Doug, IMCA supports the NomCom's guidelines. I'm not really sure what you are suggesting IMCA step up and do? D: Ken, Thank you for speaking for the organization. I hope IMCA can look for opportunities to add value rather than look for reasons why it can't help. I am very worried that it could become like some bureaucrats in my country. This is the first time I have noticed a specific statement - thank you very much - so now it is harder to accuse IMCA as being mute or mum. Could you clarify "support" as to whether it means "requires members" or "suggests to members"? There is a world of difference and I assume you see that? I really don't expect nor want IMCA to police anybody not a member, even though in the past you have helpfully and sometimes successfully pursued members and non-members alike. Only that IMCA act by "disciplining" members when appropriate with a transparent policy, and making a helpful specific official statement regarding authenticity like Jeff Grossman demonstrated can be done (a good example of unbiased leadership I learned from and appreciated). When it is so darned obvious that the situations time and time again call for a standard, whether IMCA has by laws or not is moot, it doesn't need bylaws to express a view. Your analogy of viewing the list as a crowded room doesn't quite cover the fact that most or all of the directors are emailed from it and at least one expressed the personal opinion that IMCA ought to work on the request, and it is not any crowed room, it is the met-list. So if the IMCA list, info email address or emails to directors is the only channel way the IMCA will accept requests, that's ok. I actually have volunteered for IMCA, been enthusiastically accepted, and then sent 5 follow-up emails with still no request. It reminded me of when I joined nearly a year ago, the same treatment happened until I posted my problem. Since you requested, with my due respect and appreciation especially to you I will provide a draft proposal for public comment (list) and IMCA processing for rulemaking or rejection (emailed to you directly, so now you get it twice - sorry for the necessary duplication) a continuacion. I fully understand that IMCA is all-volunteer organization and with that has its own challenges, and I applaud the directors for all paying their dues. I have no stones to throw at the IMCA, you are misquoting me regarding the nameless depreciated meteorites I threw at the meteorite label-eating dog that destroys original valuable labels with their interesting specimen history to the detriment of science and collectors for commercial or primitive territorial impulse...that has nothing to do with IMCA. MEMBER PROPOSAL FOR RULEMAKING Submitted by Doug Dawn (IMCA #5875) on 24 September 2004 jointly to IMCA and in a public forum with request for public comment and IMCA rulemaking as a salient test case. Dear Directors, it is with pleasure and a genuine interest in the success of IMCA and it's "great potential" for the future, to invest the time to write up the present proposal asking for public comment, AND in parallel by a request for an IMCA ruling on the content. I personally do not believe that (a) through (h) options below are all valid, but in trying to remove my bias by covering everything I have seen in the public meteorite forum claimed. I respectfully submit this proposal to IMCA and my peers for comment and IMCA rulemaking. By rulemaking I mean that IMCA adopt a specific organizational position on NWA nomenclature representations of authenticity. It is not a request for policing as I understand that individual situations have their own legal ramifications. While I feel the current organization statement "IMCA supports the NomCom guidliness" by IMCA in response to my inquiry on September 23, 2004 is a great improvement over the Miriam-Webster definition of "authenticity", I do however feel the IMCA can make a very positive impact on the amateur meteorite community education and commerce by ruling on the present proposal. IMCA Proposal 001 24 September 2004 "IMCA single goal of assuring authenticity", should be amended by addition to the website or promulgation in the name of all the directors some IMCA approved version of the following: "A few words on Authenticity, after all, it sums up the reason for the IMCA's existence": Not only do IMCA members bind themselves to the dictionary definition of "authenticity" as a condition for membership, but due to the huge impact generally on collectors NWA material and its associated ambiguities and differing criteria, members are also are (required to) (strongly encouraged to) (ought to consider to) (shouldn't join if they have to be asked to) abide by the Meteoritical Society official names usage as described on meteoriticalsociety.org under the section relating to the Nomenclature Committee. Specifically IMCA members may represent an NWA specimen under the real McCoy type specimen official name without further clarification if and only if one or more of the following apply: (a) whether it is the official Meteoritical Society name for a sample from the the actual voucher specimen mass, (b) part of the Met Soc approved batch under that name visually inspected by the original Met Soc submitting scientist (though not as rigorously proven as the vouchered masses of said batch) (c) additional mass acquired from the original finder or close relatives (d) additional mass acquired from the same original purchaser, (e) additional mass acquired at the officially recorded location of the find, (f) additional mass acquired ambiguously on the same bustling market town (g) additional mass acquired ambiguously on the same continent, (h) additional mass acquired from another person (collector, businessperson, hippie, organization, estate, etc.) in the absense of enough history of the specimen to categorize it in one of the above, (provided that in the member's opinion, (s)he is ["in the know"] and[or] [acting in good faith].) Thank you for the opportunity to be heard. I look forward to any actions that may be taken regarding this issue. I hope this draft helpful. Doug Dawn >IMCA has been quick to respond to complaints concerning members. >Complaints are also handled as discreetly as possible. IMCA is not "mute." I hope you see the pitfalls of dealing with non members in public? Also, if someone wanted your viewpoint, would you want them to address you directly or have them speak loudly at a third party hoping you would overhear the inquiry? IMCA inquiries are probably easier to recognize as inquiries when directed to IMCA rather than to third parties. >IMCA is not "hiding." Membership dues have provided a List for IMCA business, Directors can be contacted at their email addresses or questions_at_imca.cc or suggestions@imca.cc Suggestions from members continue to be encouraged. The organization is all volunteer. >No one is paid. Dues support a very soon to be legal entity with By-Laws, committees, etc. We agree that IMCA has incredible potential. (Note: All the directors have paid their dues as well as donate their time!) >IMCA appreciates positive input of its members. No stones please :>) But if you must, please throw them in IMCA's territory. (IMCA List) >Thanks, ken MexicoDoug_at_aol.com wrote: > >So from my point of view, NomCom is is doing a superb job whether it is intentional or by chance. Congratulations ten times over to them. > >But what about IMCA? Bernhard has a direct bullseye in his comment here. This has also been my question, so maybe I'm biased, let my bias be judged. IMCA had absolutely nothing to say during the last blow-up with Bob and Adam, although I asked them onlist to DO SOMETHING. One consciencious IMCA director responded but only speaking his own mind. But IMCA chose to be mum. > >What good is such a mute IMCA organization? Is Ken quickly going after fakes all there is to IMCA? O, yeah, and dues collection for collectors to finance dealer logos? IMCA is squandering a perfect opportunity to rock the boat and prove itself fairhanded and a collector's organization concerned with authenticity. As of now, it is doing a Clinton hiding between definitions and avoiding facing the music. > >And speaking of people who have recognized IMCA for what it is doing now in the past ...This is IMCA's fault... but I see a dog out the window marking his territory by relieving himself, so I need to throw a stone at him and can't finish all my musings at the moment. > >Saludos, Doug Received on Sat 25 Sep 2004 10:42:58 AM PDT |
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