[meteorite-list] Sale - Howardite Blow Out

From: stan . <laser_maniac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Sep 24 01:28:31 2004
Message-ID: <BAY18-F10MezIZYD0OJ00015524_at_hotmail.com>

>Maybe SOMEONE should make a Private Lab with 10?, 20? scientist, where
>classification of L6 will cost 100$ and achondrite 200$ and waiting time
>will be month for chondrite and 2 weeks for achondrite. This only one lab
>any other insitution should also have a right to give names for meteorites,
>now only slow Met Society, who do this one time per 6 months as I know.
>This lab should give certificates not only with scientific data but also
>with specimen photo.
>Then all slices from main mass should have copy of this certificate, not
>only a small dealer card with hands writen informations where also You can
>write what You want.

I have often times woundered why no one in the industry has done this - even
if it wasnt NomCom sanctioned - if the science behind the analysis was
accurate I dont think it would matter. A thin section can be made and
analysis done on a microprobe in a day if you have all of the equipment
sitting infront of you. What dealer wouldnt cough up a few hundred $ to get
an analysis done overnight instead of having to wait months for even sexy
meteorites? not to mention having to give up a potentially sizeable chunk of
a rare specimin for the type collection.

I have seen nearly new auger microprobes go for 20 or 30k$ before on the
secondary market although a SIMS would be needed to do O isotopse. I guess
the main stumbling block would be finding an experienced scientist willing
to do the work if the equipment were to be provided - there isnt exactly any
'how to classify meteorites for dummies' books floating around out there.

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Received on Fri 24 Sep 2004 01:27:49 AM PDT

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