[meteorite-list] Meteorite Histories

From: mark ford <markf_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Sep 14 10:20:03 2004
Message-ID: <6CE3EEEFE92F4B4085B0E086B2941B31244482_at_s-southern01.s-southern.com>


Good idea, though it could be a bit labour intensive and I am not sure
many people would be very keen on paying for the service every time they
sold a stone. An electronic system could work in theory, and it would
also be a great way of tracing/recovering stolen material. (A similar
technique is already used for oil paintings).

But it really only needs to be a paper record card, where each owner
writes their name on it, along with any info. If an organization like
the IMCA sold the blank cards (a new way of raising funds?) they could
retain the right to recall cards if they were misused..



-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre-Marie PELE [mailto:pierre.pele_at_voila.fr]
Sent: 14 September 2004 14:59
To: MeteoriteList
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Histories

This is a great idea which could help keeping tracks for successive

But to keep a certain independance, there could be a website (with login
access) where successive owners of a certain piece could register their

Here's a complete example (fictionous) :
1. A meteorite hunter finds an Allende individual. He wishes to sell it.
2. This meteorite hunter goes on the website, enters its login/password
and creates a file (for example with the ID ALLENDE025). This ID will
follow the meteorite from owner to another owner. The file is full with
size, weight, presentation (individual, slice, fragment...), picture if
any, ...
3. I wish to buy the Allende025 meteorite to the owner. I update the
file Allende025 by changing the name of the previous owner and by
replacing it with my name. Of course, the previous owner name would be
kept for tracking.
4. And the same if I buy the meteorite to a 3rd owner...

This database could be validated by IMCA.

As a meteorite collector and website creator, I'm able to build such a
site. That's a long work but it could be useful for anyone.
I could manage this list, with the acceptance of IMCA authority (I'm an
IMCA member also).

The cost of website hosting (ASP server, 200Mb, fast server, 20Gb
transfer volume a month, 5 Access databases) is US$1200 a year with
domain name. Anyone wishing to be a member should pay for the service
or the hosting could be paid by advertising.

Let me know what you think of all this !

Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr

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Received on Tue 14 Sep 2004 10:15:54 AM PDT

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