[meteorite-list] Denver Museum meteorite exhibit

From: Dan Wray <dwray_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Sep 10 17:49:16 2004
Message-ID: <001b01c4977f$aaf5e920$69c4e940_at_championbroadband.com>

Hello David,

  Don't get me started! Oops, too late, you already did. The meteorite
display that was at the museum disappeared during the remodeling which
included the new addition for the Space Odyssey wing. What came back was a
single meteorite in that new wing. The powers that be are following a
national movement that believes that what the public wants is to be
entertained, hence, interactive displays. Static displays are boring and to
get the public into the museum they must be entertained. You will be seeing
this trend all across the country as institutions compete for the publics
entertainment dollar. Due to this and other political fighting and budget
cuts the staff and volunteer ranks have thinned considerably. The head of
the space section resigned over staffing cuts. The curator of paleontology
left for a happier place in Pennsylvania and the Geology, curator, Jack
Murphy, who is near retirement was cut to half time. The meteorite program
centered around Jack, who formed a meteorite posse that, using data from a
network of all sky cameras, has endeavored to track down falls. I have had
hopes that the meteorite exhibit would return in a much improved form, but
at this point with the current thinking and tight budgets I doubt that will
happen. Very sad for us meteorite collectors and the public also.

Looking forward to the Denver show and auction,
Dan Wray, COMETS

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Weir" <dgweir_at_earthlink.net>
To: "Meteorite-list" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 9:41 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Denver Museum meteorite exhibit

> Hey COMETs from Denver,
> I just heard from somebody who visited the Denver Museum yesterday that
> they have removed their nice meteorite exhibit, and put up a space thing
> for kids instead. What's up with that?!
> David
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Received on Fri 10 Sep 2004 05:46:45 PM PDT

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