RE:AW: [meteorite-list] Re: More Unsubstantiated Allegations
From: Super Karaoke <>
Date: Sun Sep 5 15:24:54 2004 Message-ID: <20040905162450.74E6E364.98EA84F9_at_172.16.1.183> YOU ARE ALL SONS OF A BIG BITCH!!! UNSUBSCRIBE ME, MOTHER FUCKERS -- Mensaje Original -- Enviado por: Bernhard Rems <> Fecha: 05/09/2004 19:16:08 Para: <> T?tulo: AW: [meteorite-list] Re: More Unsubstantiated Allegations Hmm... I never saw that Michael made accusations against Mauro Daniel. I can remember that he accused a certain Matteo - but this Matteo was banned from the list, if I remember correctly (or he said he would leave forever, don't quite remember), so I really don't understand what Mr. Daniel says here, especially as he always insisted on NOT being Matteo). This is a strange day today. Must be something in the air... Bernhard -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Mauro Daniel Gesendet: Sonntag, 05. September 2004 21:10 An: Betreff: RE: [meteorite-list] Re: More Unsubstantiated Allegations Why Adam have to put the allegations, when I have personaly ask to Mr.Farmer to put in pubblic the informations of who have put the fake informations on my account....Farmer have NEVER put this informations, and this show how many fake informations write Farmer in this list! >From: John Birdsell <> >To: >Subject: [meteorite-list] Re: More Unsubstantiated Allegations >Date: Sun, 05 Sep 2004 11:59:50 -0700 > >Dear Adam. It appears to us that once again you are making accusations >about other meteorite dealers without backing up any of your statements >with facts. Not only is this unfair to those that you malign but it seems >to be becoming a habit of yours. If you can not or will not back up your >accusations with facts then don't make them in the first place. The >meteorite list has a number of clearly defined polices, one of which is: > >"Make sure you can back up statements with -facts and references-" > > >Mike Farmer asked you to back up your allegations and we are all waiting >for you to present the "Facts" that you seem to have conveniently omitted. > > >Kind regards > > >-John & Dawn >Arizona Skies Meteorites > > > >Adam Hupe wrote: > >>Mike, >> >>You would make a great politician as you avoid the real issues and address >>others with lies. I am not going to entertain you any more because frankly >>Mike the truth will be out soon enough, IN A BIG WAY, and you will only be >>able to blame yourself. It is unfortunate that good people will have been >>taken along the way. >> >>Adam >> >> >>----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Farmer" >><> >>To: "Adam Hupe" <> >>Cc: <> >>Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 11:24 AM >>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ramblings >> >> >> >> >>>ADAM, so might I ask what I did in Monahans? PLEASE tell us, I went >>>there, >>>saw the meteorite, and left for home the same day, so again, please tell >>> >>> >>us? >> >> >>>Meteor Crater? I got arrested there, Busted by Game and Fish for >>>tresspassing, and case dropped. Again, what scientist might I ask had >>>something to do with that? ANSWER please. >>> >>>What museums wont trade with me? Chicago I guess since I donated 998 to >>> >>> >>them >> >> >>>then sold the mass to you. >>> >>>Casper my hero? You nead to read the archives better. >>> >>>I still do trading with TCU, Smithsonian, Natural History Museum London, >>>American Museum of Natural History New York. Adam, name a museum that >>>wont >>>trade with me..... >>> >>>Answer please. >>>Michael Farmer >>> >>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Hupe" >>><> >>>To: "Michael Farmer" <> >>>Cc: <> >>>Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 11:09 AM >>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ramblings >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>>Hi Mike, >>>> >>>>Ok, here goes a name, Everett Gibson, how is that for starters, remember >>>> >>>> >>>the >>> >>> >>>>Monahans meteorite! Will you ever show your face in Texas again after >>>> >>>> >>>what >>> >>> >>>>you did to the good people? It is all in the press so don't try and lie. >>>>How about the Meteor Crater incident, would you like me to mention the >>>>scientist's name who busted you stealing? How about the museums di you >>>>upset while you were learning from Casper, an ex hero of yours. How >>>> >>>> >>many >> >> >>>>museums will not trade with you, would you like me to mention them? >>>> >>>> >>Mike >> >> >>>>you have done damage beyond repair so please find another hobby because >>>> >>>> >>a >> >> >>>>real business man would not bring up the things you do and expect to >>>>survive. Mike, you will not be around in meteoritics much longer because >>>> >>>> >>>you >>> >>> >>>>are quickly loosing what little support you have left in the scientific >>>>community. If you want to continue this string I will be happy to >>>> >>>> >>report >> >> >>>>more of your escapades. >>>> >>>>Tired of Mike's lies, >>>> >>>>Adam >>>> >>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Farmer" >>>><> >>>>To: "Adam Hupe" <>; >>>><> >>>>Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 10:59 AM >>>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ramblings >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>>YAWN, again, "UNNAMED SCIENTISTS", all talking the Hopes, neither one >>>>>scientists. >>>>>Adam, you are so full of yourself it isn't even funny anymore. >>>>>Call me what you like, but you are the drama queen. I recall the >>>>> >>>>> >>Amgala >> >> >>>>>posts during august with glee. so many people selling fake amgala, buy >>>>> >>>>> >>>it >>> >>> >>>>>from Adam if you want the "real thing" etc etc etc. >>>>>Adam, if you are not willing to post names, don't bother to post your >>>>>bullshit emails full of "unnamed sources". >>>>>Real scientists in Houston are way too busy to read the meteorite >>>>> >>>>> >>>mailing >>> >>> >>>>>list. >>>>>Michael Farmer >>>>>By the way >>>>>How is the "we aren't dealers" spiel still working out? >>>>>and the adventure stories about a couple of guys who have been on 3 >>>>>meteorites hunts? You would think by reading the articles you have >>>>> >>>>> >>>>generated >>>> >>>> >>>>>that you and Greg are Indiana Jones's but show your passports and you >>>>> >>>>> >>>have >>> >>> >>>>>been to Africa what, 2 times? 3 maybe? Still, you are doing a good job >>>>> >>>>> >>>of >>> >>> >>>>>hyping yourselves, I myself could'nt handle so much self >>>>> >>>>> >>congratulating. >> >> >>>>> On another note, I hope Greg is ok (really) I would never want >>>>> >>>>> >>>anyone >>> >>> >>>>to >>>> >>>> >>>>>go through a hurricane and it is centered almost over Greg Hupe right >>>>> >>>>> >>>now, >>> >>> >>>>>among many other list memebers (David Weir) I hope you are well too. >>>>> >>>>>Original Message ----- From: "Adam Hupe" <> >>>>>To: <> >>>>>Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 10:19 AM >>>>>Subject: [meteorite-list] Ramblings >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>Dear List, >>>>>> >>>>>>Most List members joined in order to read about meteorites not >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>politics >>> >>> >>>>or >>>> >>>> >>>>>>arguments. Some prominent people read it every morning like a >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>newspaper. >>>> >>>> >>>>>>Others wait until they come home from a hard day's work and read it >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>for >>> >>> >>>>>>relaxation. I was shocked when we heard in Houston that several >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>scientists >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>read the archives on a regular basis, mostly for entertainment and >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>have >>> >>> >>>>>>already come to conclusions about certain List members. They >>>>>> >>>>>> >>likened >> >> >>>it >>> >>> >>>>>to >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>a soap opera with its very own drama queen based in Tucson. For >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>others >>> >>> >>>>it >>>> >>>> >>>>>>reinforced opinions already held. Journalist read the archives and >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>use >>> >>> >>>>>>information in their articles. In some cases they have gone back >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>several >>>> >>>> >>>>>>years and ask us what we thought about this or that. Eventually >>>>>> >>>>>> >>some >> >> >>>>of >>>> >>>> >>>>>>this material comes out in print so consider this every time you >>>>>> >>>>>> >>make >> >> >>>a >>> >>> >>>>>post >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>to the List. Every word is archived for the entire world to see. >>>>>> >>>>>>All the best, >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>------------------------------------ >>>>>>Adam Hupe >>>>>>The Hupe Collection >>>>>>Team LunarRock >>>>>>IMCA 2185 >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>______________________________________________ >>>>>>Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >> >>______________________________________________ >>Meteorite-list mailing list >> >> >> >> >> > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list > > _________________________________________________________________ Filtri antispamming e antivirus per la tua casella di posta ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list __________________________________________________ Todav?a no ten?s tu Ubbi Mail? Obtenelo ahora! - Descarg? 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