[meteorite-list] Dhofar 018 howardite question

From: Martin Altmann <Altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Oct 26 06:36:48 2004
Message-ID: <001a01c4bb47$c2ee8460$5ae450d9_at_9y6y40j>

Hi Jeff, Bernd & list,

it's remarkable that in the classical How HaH 285 the metal grains are all
found in the grey matrix. Bilanga is brecciated, but has no xenolithic
inclusions (a very, very few have black shock veins - my collection piece
has two prallel black shock planes) - thus those metal is a property of
Vesta, demonstrating, that it was not 100% differentiated. Or Doug?
Take a look at your Dho 007, cumulate Eucrite, there I just found a tiny
metal speck too!
Sorry, no pictures. If I throw the slices on my scanner, the metall gets
black and is not visible on the picture.
In the many Tatahouine I had, I never found metal.


> G'day Bernd, Martin & List,
> I was going to post a similar thread a couple of days back after the
> Tatahouine topic. If you take a look at the first and third photo on my
> Tatahouine page
> (http://www.meteoritesaustralia.com/favourite/august2004.html) you will
> notice in the 6.10g fragment that there are small pieces of what looks
> rusting iron. They also appear to follow or be along the path of the
> shock veins whether or not that has anything to do with it. The first
> has a few small pieces towards the centre of the main face while the third
> photo has an obvious and larger piece near the top left. Matin mentioned
> Bilanga having some metal but until a couple of days ago I don't remember
> ever personally seeing iron in the HED meteorites, especially Tatahouine!
> Has anyone else come across this?
> Cheers,
> Jeff Kuyken
> I.M.C.A. #3085
> www.meteorites.com.au
Received on Tue 26 Oct 2004 06:37:15 AM PDT

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