[meteorite-list] updates 10/17/2004 (campo sales and stewart valley)

From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Oct 17 19:28:56 2004
Message-ID: <20041017232854.14303.qmail_at_web14927.mail.yahoo.com>

Good evening list.Just another update on campo sales and stewart valley.I
have 13 pieces left of campo sales forsale
and 563 grams).5 fragments,2 slices, and 6 individuals.I also have 5
fragments of STEWART VALLEY,NEVADA meteorites forsale at $4.00 a
gram.There are all on my website with weights and dimensions.And to round
it off, I have 5 ebay auctions on going.So bid and buy!!

                                         steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
Illinois Meteorites
website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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