[meteorite-list] Article - CU-Boulder Researchers to Analyze Meteorite Th...

From: Mikestockj_at_aol.com <Mikestockj_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Oct 11 17:41:45 2004
Message-ID: <78.63118d53.2e9c57dd_at_aol.com>

Sorry sent the first one in the wrong format.

Hi Matt
Yes, there has been a meteorite recovered. Jack Murphy has been working in
cooperation with CU in an ongoing scientific investigation of the fall. I have
been and will be helping him in any capacity I can.
He has spoken with several landowners in the area in order to secure their
permission to hunt their properties. All of the land in the area is private
farmland. He is trying to enlist the help of everyone including landowners,
reporters and meteorite hunters to help recover another piece.
The recovered piece weighs 2 lb 2 oz and is covered with fusion crust with a
small piece missing. According to Jack it is very beautiful due to the rich
black fusion crust and flow lines a shouldn't be cut into just yet. Obviously
there is an ongoing search which I and others will be participating in tomorrow.
So far nothing else has been recovered. Let's keep our fingers crossed and
hope we can find some tomorrow.
So if you are interested in helping with a scientific investigation please
let me know. I have volunteered the help of the COMETS for the up coming weekend.
This sure is exciting isn't it. It's nice to see that Colorado is such a
great target for meteorites as this would be the second one in less than 7 years
with Elbert in Jan 1998 being the first.

Mike Jensen IMCA 4264
Bill Jensen IMCA 2359
Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137
Received on Mon 11 Oct 2004 05:40:45 PM PDT

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