[meteorite-list] Hello +CBN blades

From: Andreas Gren <andreas.gren_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Oct 8 15:35:08 2004
Message-ID: <20041008180601.A64F13FA338_at_smtp.worldsoft.ch>

Hello Meteorite friends,

My name is Andreas Gren, I collect Meteorites since two and a half years. I
live in Hamburg /Germany

I would like to say thank, to all the people, who has written on this list
the last four months .Since that time I read daily the List and learned more
about Meteorites than the two years before.

Is anybody able to tell me, where I can buy Meteorite CBN blades?



Received on Fri 08 Oct 2004 02:08:29 PM PDT

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