[meteorite-list] Craterfield in the SE part of the Egyptian Desert

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Oct 8 13:12:37 2004
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000001F000029ED_at_paulinet.de>

John D. wrote:

> 100 craters???...is that number correct? They must be relatively
> small to be distinguishable in an area the size of Egypt. Curious

Hello John and List,

The French version of the text is not quite clear on that because it

> Ils... ont d?tect? plusieurs dizaines de structures g?ologiques circulaires

In English:

They have discovered *several tens* of these circular geological structures

and furthermore:

> Une mission sur le terrain ... a permis de v?rifier que la plupart de ces
> structures, dont 13 ont ?t? ?tudi?es en d?tails, sont des crat?res d'impacts
> de m?t?orites.

In English:

A scientific expedition in this area ...made it possible to verify that *most*
of these structures, *13 of which* have been studied in detail, are meteorite
impact craters.

> They must be relatively small to be distinguishable in an area the size of Egypt.

That's the easy part of you question because the text says:

> Leur diam?tre varie de 20 m ? 1 km

So some of these craters (craterlets?) are only 20 meters in diameter.

Best wishes,

Received on Fri 08 Oct 2004 01:12:35 PM PDT

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