[meteorite-list] Maybe time to move on....
From: E. L. Jones <jonee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Oct 5 08:25:10 2004 Message-ID: <41629333.2090407_at_epix.net> If I weren't numb , Dave, I'd be flabbergasted at the beef you have with the list. Your post shows that you knew the conflict level. I don't see that you were turned on "at the drop of a hat". I think you've been tolerated but welcomed a very long time. You tweaked your nose at us when we raised the point with you that you didn't take advantage of the Ebay Meteorites List, but posted 3-4 emails for each auction you were running to the Met Central List. Seems our consensus didn't apply to you. I personally like you but thought your marketing was inconsiderate. You started posting auctions to "another" list where you knew it wasn't allowed. I guess you got the criticism you opened your self up for-- So why do you whine? You apparently survived longer than most. I personally stopped criticizing any and all dealers no matter how intrusive or how matter how annoying. I also have lost my passion for the list but not the friends I have here. Ironic that you now are leaving for what you feel is inconsiderate actions towards you. I am sorry that you are so distressed everywhere I really do, many of us are. Sorry to see you go, however I am not going to feel guilty, sympathy, or defend you. Your choice of advertising in the past apparently has come back to roost when you need it to work the most. I don't think any one has asked you to leave just be responsible about your advertising. In the world I live in, we make choices... and we live with them. These words may come back to bite me in time but it is how I see it today. So if you want to come back please do-- if you don't I am sure I/We wish you all the success! As for moving on I've set an arbitrary 1000 unread messages in my mail box as a reality review and as the trigger to leave. There are 586 there now. Sincere Regards, Elton Dave Harris wrote: >Hi folks, >I seem to have got a few people such as 'Mauro' and others upset as I have >been using the Metlist (and others) to promote private sales. >To be honest I am generally a bit unhappy with this inclination to turn on >anyone at the drop of a hat. >I am fully aware that I am not the greatest contributor to the list - I only >have questions and not many answers as there are so many experts on the list > and I am aware also that I do use the list to promote sales, which I also >know a lot of people probably do not like, but the massive majority, instead >of having a personal pop at me just delete the emails. <snip> > > Received on Tue 05 Oct 2004 08:27:31 AM PDT |
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