[meteorite-list] Help needed

From: Peter Marmet <p.marmet_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Oct 2 16:31:59 2004
Message-ID: <415F1140.D0DDDC15_at_dplanet.ch>

Hi list,

I'm a bit confused.
In the book Meteorites from A to Z(2nd ed.), page 119 it says:

Twannberg IRUNGR HEX-Og.

First: I'm not sure if the new iron group II G is official now or not.
Second: How can it be an Og if it's a hexahedrite?

Maybe it's too close to midnight;-)

Thanks for any help!

Peter Marmet
Received on Sat 02 Oct 2004 04:36:15 PM PDT

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