[meteorite-list] AD: Dr. Elbert King Allende Kits, Shocked Belemnites, eBay Auctions....
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Nov 27 21:00:03 2004 Message-ID: <BAY4-F2326CFCD78CF03EC303C8B3BC0_at_phx.gbl> Hello List, Spotlight for this ad posting is a few Dr. Elbert King Allende kits I have made. Only five more available. http://www.meteoritearticles.com/allendeking.html Each kit comes with Dr. Elbert King's book "Moon Trip" (unread-like new), an 8x10 showing King with some Texas meteorites, letters from Monnig to King, other letters to/from King, PLUS a CD-ROM containing 18 newspaper articles on Elbert King and NASA Photo S64-21413 (E. King on geological friend trip with astronauts to Big Bend Area, Texas 1964-04-17). All the specimens come in a plastic case which was numbered by Elbert King as shown. Condition of cases very, and they look better in my photographs, then in real life. I have also added onto my website some neat belemnite fossils. These fossil were found near the town of Donauworth in the south eastern rim region of the Ries Crater Astrobleme. About 14.7 million years ago a large meteorite crashed in the Earth's surface at Nordlingen Ries, Germany. This impact melted, shattered, pulverized and altered rocks for many miles. This belemnite fossil was recovered from Jurassic limestone and has been deformed leaving it witness to the comic impact. Shock waves from the large comet or meteorite impact went through local rock beds, and the fossils inside them, leaving everything slices like loafs of bread. The "slices shifted slightly and with time formed back together. At one time it was thought these fossils were evidence of a large volcanic eruption. I acquired a lot of close to 100 of these shocked Belemnites. The ones listed are the best from the lot. Average specimen found is about 1/2 the size, and 1/2 as skinny as these. $12.99 each, http://www.meteoritearticles.com/riesbelemnites.html My Canyon Diablo sale page has been updated. Most are sized 60g-150g, which makes them perfect Christmas gift giving size. I will offer at 30% discount on the CD's for the next two weeks upon request, with Christmas in mind. http://www.meteoritearticles.com/canyondiablos.html The first pieces of Wichita have went on sale this last week and last two being offering right now are on ebay....the largest of all ends today. This meteorite is very special to us, (the Kansas Meteorite Society), and therefore NO slices will be cut for resale. We did cut a couple slices off for university trades this last month, and the six cutting fragments it created I was voted the ability to sell. That is not to say we will not cut any more of Wichita but we would only do such for Kansas meteorites, and we have over 90 different recognized finds and falls (plus a couple yet to be recognized from the King collection) Two of the six offered pieces can be found on eBay, including the largest at 0.208g. Wichita is an H5 so it is not a rare classification, but considering slightly less then 1/2 a gram has been released, type collectors might want to take notice. Also, be sure to check out my ebay auctions. I have been running about 800 auctions a week, with about 300 of them being meteorite and have about 50 meteorite auctions I plan to list the new today days. Copy and paste the following or search ebay seller: meteoritesandmore http://stores.ebay.com/meteoritearticles Clear Skies, Mark Bostick www.meteoritearticles.com Received on Sat 27 Nov 2004 08:59:36 PM PST |
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