[meteorite-list] Wilcox Playa [sic - Willcox Playa ] (Arizona) Meteorite
From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 21 18:34:37 2004 Message-ID: <20041121233435.33266.qmail_at_web51709.mail.yahoo.com> This message is only being sent to correct a previous typographical error. The purpose of all this is to help in the retrieval of this thread whenever a Search Engine is queried for "Willcox Playa". Otherwise, please disregard this message. I apologize for this inconvenience, Bob Verish ------------------------------- [meteorite-list] Willcox Playa (Arizona) Meteorite Robert Verish bolidechaser at yahoo.com Sun Nov 21 04:04:41 EST 2004 Hello Mark (and List), Point well taken. Hopefully we all have learned a lesson about putting into print assumed provisional numbers before they are assigned by Dr. Rhian Jones. But here are some "safe" assumptions that I would like the List to know about. You can safely assume that I would never speak for the Nomenclature Committee (Nom Comm). You can safely assume that, if I ever make statements about policies or procedures of the Nom Comm, I will make sure that they are current and factual. These statements will be based upon what I've learned from my numerous emails and phone conversations I've had with various Nom Comm members. But, in the case of these Willcox Playa specimens, I made no assumptions. Before I sent my message to the List, I phoned Rhian and asked if she knew of any other Willcox Playa finds that were up for name/number approval. Presently, there are only these two finds in the queue for a number approval. But now we need to say a few things about "provisional numbers". Keep in mind that these provisional numbers are only relevant to areas of dense accumulation/concentration AND particularly for those from new localities. And once the Nom Comm votes to approve these numbers, there is no going back and changing them. But up until that vote, (say there is a common desire to maintain a chronological sequence to the numbers AND everyone agrees to it) provisional numbers can be changed. Also keep in mind that, for localities with already formally approved names-with-numbers, there is little that can be done to maintain the chronological order once meteorites (which were found "earlier") are subsequently submitted for number approval. In this case, it's back to the same old "whoever is first to the counter, gets the next number". And that is where we find ourselves, today, with these two Willcox Playa finds. I find my self at that counter ready to get the next number. But there is nothing to stop me from stepping aside and letting that number go to the ~72gram stone, if it helps maintain their chronological sequence. Bob Verish --- MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector at msn.com> wrote: > Hello Bob (and list), > > > Bob noted: “..I made another WP find on 2004 March > 07..” > > Congratulations on another find Bob. > > Bob asked, "When was this find made?" > > I was not sure last morning when I made that web > page. Since then I have talked with the finder, his > wife and his brother, who was in town at the > time of the find, in order to try to get a good > date. It was found in the fall of 2001. > The brother thought October, but I was not able to > confirm the month. > > Bob continued: "...If the ~72 gram stone was found > prior to that date, it is WP 003, if found after > that date, it will be WP 004 (again, assuming there > are no other Willcox Playa finds awaiting > classification)." > > Would I be correct in thinking it is Dr. Jones who > assigns the U.S. number names? As you know Bob > (which means I am typing this for the rest of the > group), In a normal United States find....or I guess > I should say, in normal meteorite finds not from > high collection areas, whoever owns the meteorite > will usually submit it for a name, providing a > couple appropriate names. > These names are then voted on by the Met.Soc.Board. > > I remember you mentioned in an article a couple > months ago (?) that any U.S. meteorite could get a > provisional name whether classified or not, and you > have implied that it is important for all meteorites > to do such for chronological reasons. > > I wonder about such as I own a couple meteorites > found by your team members without name/numbers, > which would make personal cataloging easier. > > Clear Skies, > Mark Bostick > www.meteoritearticles.com ------------------------------ [meteorite-list] Willcox Playa (Arizona) Meteorite Robert Verish bolidechaser at yahoo.com Fri Nov 19 12:28:10 EST 2004 Hi Mark, Congratulations on your latest acquisition. But, I have a question: When was this find made? It depends on this "date of find" whether the ~72gram stone is WP 003 or WP 004 assuming there are no other Willcox Playa finds awaiting classification. For instance, I made another WP find on 2004 March 07 so, if the ~72 gram stone was found prior to that date, it is WP 003, if found after that date, it will be WP 004 (again, assuming there are no other Willcox Playa finds awaiting classification). I had planned to write about my find in my February 2005 Bob's Findings article prior to the Tucson Show. That article would have answered many of the questions that I'm sure will now be raised concerning the "date of find" (one day before the cancelled Willcox Playa Hunt) and the presumed too muddy condition of the playa. All answered in due time. And regarding the importance of recording the "date / time-of-day of find", I will spare you my sermon and just refer you to this article: http://meteorite-recovery.tripod.com/2004/jan04.htm Hope this info helps, Bob VERISH Additional info: http://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com/msg19483.html ------------- Original Message ------------- [meteorite-list] Willcox Playa (Arizona) Meteorite MARK BOSTICK thebigcollector at msn.com Fri Nov 19 04:49:30 EST 2004 Hello list, http://www.meteoritearticles.com/colwillcox.html Seems I get the honor of introducing another U.S. meteorite to everyone. I recently acquired this chondrite from a gold hunter in southern Arizona. It was found on the west shore of Willcox Playa dry lake, which most of you will remember as the place we had planned to group hunt last Tucson show. According to the finder he had sent it the University of Arizona, Center of Meteorite Studies, where they confirmed it was a meteorite and requested to cut a sample off for study, which they did. The letter from the University, returned with the stone, has been lost so I will have to do a little research on this one, but from his description of the person he dealt with I think I know who handled the meteorite for him. The finder's memory says it is an H5. Which appears accurate, there is a lot of metal in the stone. Something I found interesting is that the meteorite look a lot like, crust and surface features wise, to Bob Verish's small L6 find on the same lake bed. Perhaps other meteorites, if we find more, from the lake bed will have like features as well. See Bob Verish's recap of Willcox Playa meteorites from his Feb. 2004 Meteorite Times article. http://meteorite-recovery.tripod.com/2004/feb04.htm Could anyone provide good photos, or better yet, trade or sell me a type sample of Willcox Playa 001? I imagine this will get named Willcox Playa 003, even if it is paired with Willcox Playa 001, but it would be interesting to know. Willcox Playa 001 is classified as an H4. Clear Skies, Mark Bostick www.meteoritearticles.com ------------ End of Original Message ----------- Received on Sun 21 Nov 2004 06:34:35 PM PST |
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