[meteorite-list] Workshop on the Role of Volatiles and Atmospheres on Martian Craters

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Nov 10 15:31:43 2004
Message-ID: <200411102031.MAA11913_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>


Workshop on the Role of Volatiles and Atmospheres on Martian Craters
July 11-15, 2005
Laurel, Maryland

Sponsored by --
Mars Crater Consortium,
Lunar and Planetary Institute,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University,
Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group

Organizing Committee

Nadine Barlow, Chair
Northern Arizona University

Olivier Barnouin-Jha, Co-Chair
Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University

Sarah Stewart, Co-Chair
Harvard University

Joseph Boyce,
University of Hawai'i

John Grant,
Smithsonian Institution

Robert Herrick,
University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Horton Newsom,
University of New Mexico

Jeffrey Plescia,
Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University

Paul Schenk,
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Virgil Sharpton,
University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Livio Tornabene,
University of Tennessee

Shawn Wright,
Arizona State University


  The Workshop on the Role of Volatiles and Atmospheres on Martian
Impact Craters will be held July 11-15, 2005, at the Applied Physics
Laboratory of The Johns Hopkins University in
Laurel, Maryland (located midway between Baltimore, Maryland, and
Washington, DC).


  Volatile-rich environments, including the presence of an atmosphere,
can modify both the initial appearance and subsequent evolution of
impact craters in ways not seen on dry bodies. For example, atmospheres
can be eroded by impacts or enhanced by release of volatiles from the
surface, while impact-generated winds can distribute ejected material in
different patterns and over larger areas than are expected on bodies
without atmospheres. In addition, volatile-rich targets have been
implicated in the formation of central pits within craters and observed
variations in the geomorphology of fresh craters, while aeolian and
fluvial/glacial activity have subsequently modified their appearance.
Layered ejecta morphologies surrounding fresh impact craters on Mars,
Venus, and Ganymede are produced by volatiles, whether by impact into
and vaporization of subsurface volatile reservoirs or through
interactions of an ejecta curtain with the atmosphere. Tsunamis produced
by impacts into terrestrial oceans can produce more devastating
environmental effects than continental impacts, and the possibility that
oceans existed on Mars in the past has increased interest in terrestrial
impacts that occurred in marine environments.

Martian impact craters display a variety of features that have been
attributed to subsurface volatiles and/or the planet's atmosphere.
Understanding the role of subsurface volatiles and the atmosphere in the
formation and modification of these features requires an approach that
combines numerical analysis, experimental studies, geomorphologic
analysis, and observations of impacts into sedimentary and/or
volatile-rich environments on Earth. The program will consist of a mix
of invited and contributed talks, panel discussions, and poster
presentations, with a substantial amount of time reserved for discussion
and debate. Terrestrial and planetary scientists with an interest in the
role of surface/subsurface volatiles and atmospheres on impact
cratering, with particular applications to Mars, are encouraged to


  Possible venues for an optional field trip on the afternoon of July 15
are being investigated.


  We anticipate publishing papers related to this meeting as a special
issue of a peer-reviewed journal. We are currently talking to the
editors of possible journals. More information will be provided in
upcoming announcements.


  Future announcements and information regarding accommodations,
registration, submission of abstracts, and the meeting site (including
maps) will be posted on this Web site.


  To subscribe to a mailing list to receive electronic reminders and
special announcements relating to the meeting via e-mail, please submit
an electronic Indication of Interest form by February 24, 2005.

Please complete the Indication of Interest form even if you do not care
about electronic notification of future announcements. The number of
forms received will facilitate the planning of the meeting.


  For further information regarding the format and scientific objectives
of the meeting, contact one of the conference organizers:

    Nadine Barlow
    Northern Arizona University
    Phone: 928-523-5452
    E-mail: nadine.barlow_at_nau.edu
    Olivier Barnouin-Jha
    Applied Physics Laboratory
    Phone: 240-228-7654
    E-mail: olivier.barnouin-jha_at_jhuapl.edu
    Sarah Stewart
    Harvard University
    Phone: 617-496-6462
    E-mail: sstewart_at_eps.harvard.edu

For information regarding meeting logistics and announcements, contact
the LPI meeting coordinator:

    Mary Cloud
    Publications and Program Services Department
    Lunar and Planetary Institute
    3600 Bay Area Boulevard
    Houston TX 77058-1113
    Phone: 281-486-2143
    Fax: 281-486-2125
    E-mail: cloud_at_lpi.usra.edu



February 24, 2005 Indication of interest deadline
March 24, 2005 Second announcement posted on this Web site
April 20, 2005 Abstract submission deadline
May 27, 2005 Final announcement with program and abstracts posted on this Web site
June 10, 2005 Preregistration deadline
July 11-15, 2005 Workshop on the Role of Volatiles and Atmospheres on Martian
            Impact Craters
Received on Wed 10 Nov 2004 03:31:37 PM PST

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