[meteorite-list] NPA 11-08-1872: Orvinio (Italy) Meteorite Article
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 7 15:40:03 2004 Message-ID: <BAY4-F16XvpFVjCRGry000020e2_at_hotmail.com> Paper: Ohio Democrat City: New Philadelphia, Ohio Date: November 8, 1872 Page: 2 THE BIGGEST BOLIDE ON RECORD A Meteor as Large as the MOON - Account by Father Secchi, of Rome. (From Correspondent of the London Morning Post.) The end of the world has been so frequently predicted without the punctual realization of so awful a cataclysm that nowadays people usually listen with the indifference of incredulity to even the best authenticated announcements of the proximate annihilation of our habitable globe. Such was the case in Rome on Saturday morning, the 31st ult., when the most lugubrious prognostications were circulated in consequence of the appearance in the eastern sky, a little before daybreak, of one of the most magnificent meteors records of late by astronomical observers. It is true that these predictions originated with the clericals and their partisans, with whom natural phenomena are looked upon as supernatural signals of approaching events of the utmost importance such as revolutions, war, the restoration of the Pope's temporal power, of the ends of the world. The prolonged and successive detonations which accompanied the rapid course and explosion of the aerolith were certainly grand and terrifying, and moreover, with a clear sky overhead would have been totally inexplicable had not the vivid light and illuminated track of the aerolith shown that they were owing to the presence of an unaccustomed visitor to our atmosphere. I heard what I thought was the rumbling of distant thunder about a quarter-past five in the morning, and as I was going into the country in the course of the day I was rather disappointed at what appeared to be an early breaking up of the fine weather. The exclamations of some matutinal spectators in the streets and at neighboring windows soon roused me to a consciousness of what was going on; for the concluding part of the magnificent spectacle still illuminated the eastern sky over the setting moon, extending from southeast to northeast, in the form of a sinuous luminous cloud, perfectly visible from my windows. I have delayed reporting the appearance of this meteor until I could get the account of it given by our great astronomical authority, Father Secchi, in a letter published yesterday in the Osservatore Romano, for none of the new professors have distinguished themselves by a scientific report of it in the Liberal journals. I quote part of Father Secchi's letter, premising, however, that in an excursion southwards, subsequent tot eh appearance of the meteor, I verified the fact of it having been observed from much more distant localities than those mentioned by the learned professor, as, for instance, Ferentino and Frosinone, on the Naples line, about fifty miles by road from Rome. Father Secchi gives the following characteristics of the bolide as it was observed from Rome on the 31st of August at fifteen minutes past five A. M.: "Small and reddish at the beginning it moved slowly forward from south-southeast towards north-northeast, increasing in light and volume, leaving a track like vapor of a dark color. When it arrived at a certain point it flamed brilliantly, and became almost as large as the moon, disappeared almost immediately afterward, leaving a long-shaped cloud, which soon assumed a twisted form like an immense serpent. A few minutes afterwards - that is not more than four, according to various calculations - a violent detonation was heard followed by two other nearer and weaker. From the accounts gathered in results that the time traversed by the bolide was not in a vertical plain over Rome, but inclined towards the east. From the time which clapsed between the conflagration and the detonation, calculation it at about three minutes, its distance would be sixty chilometers. - The detonation made a rumbling noise like a mine or the discharge of some voluminous fiery mass, different from thunder or artillery, followed by a rattle of minor discharges like musketry fire. We suspected the explosion of a powder magazine, or something similar. - The same bolide was seen at Velletri, Albano, Genanza, Grotto Ferrata, Zagarolo and Frascati, in which places the noise of the detonation seems to have been mere intense than with us, since the windows and doors of houses were shaken by it. In these places the direction is also indicated as from south to northeast, which proves that it passed oblique to the vertical. At Zagaroloo the phenomenon assumed more imposing phases. Signor Secchi writes that at a quarter past five, being in bed, he heard an explosion like that of a heavy cannon at a short distance, which made the whole house tremble and caused a sussultory motion in the bed. A sound like thunder followed the discharge, seeming to disperse towards the north. * * * Eye-witnesses describe having seen a great globe of fire come from the south with the rapidity of lightning, and, as soon as it passed the town, obliquely to the north, explode with a report like thunder, prolonged in the direction of Tivoli. From these and other reports, although hitherto incomplete, Father Secchi inferred that the aerolith had passed vertically over Zagarolo, exploding near that town at a height which would precipitate the fragments in a shower of stones over the mountains of Sabina. Zagarolo is situated in the Latin Valley, half way between Colonna on the Alban hills and Palestina on the Sabine range. The Geological Professor, De Rossi, witnessed the phenomenon from the lofty village of Rocca di Papa, towards the summit of the Alban group of hills, and the following day he wrote a letter to Father Seechi containing the observation he had made the information he had collected on the subject. He mentions the appearance of the aerolith in the southwest at twenty minutes past five A.M., as a lucid white globe passing over Porto D'Anzio on the sea-coast, Vekketri ad Monie Cavo, where its passage was accompanied with a noise like that of a rocket, leaving behind a waving strope of white vapor. When apparently over the eastern extremity of Hannibal's camp, on the summit of the Alban hills, towards Pocca Piera and in sight of Palestrina, it exploded with a tremendous detonation, causing a momentary vibration like a real earthquake, especially in Rocca di Papa. Professor De Rossi states, however, that after this first detonation which must have accompanied by the fall of many fragments of the earth, the remaining mass changed its direction, moving towards Marino, Albano and the sea - that is westward - but only to resume its original course, returning over Grotto Ferrata and Frescati, to disappear in the valley between Tivolo and Alban hills. Conjecting that the explosion took place over the eastern extremity of the Alban group Professor De Rossi searched the environs for fragments of the bolide, but unsuccessfully, although he affirms having found several freshly made perforations in the meadows of Hannibal's camp, which he could only explain by the supposition of small fragments of stone having been forcibly driven in; but he confesses not have any such fragments in the holes. Finally Signor De Rossi concludes that the successive detonations of the aeroltih were caused by renewed attrition on its nucleus as it penetrated the lower strata of the air, which likewise influenced its direction, and that it was principally attracted by the volcanic group of the Alban hills, of which Monte Cavo forms the summit, found which to its descent the aerolith described a spiral movement, narrowing towards the northern slope of the hills, and shooting downwards to the earth between them and the hills of Tivoli. - With respect to the exact volume of this erratic mass, the professor supposes it to have been enormous, because although at such an elevation that it was seen to explode from so many points extremely distance from each other, its apparent diameter was equal to that of a man's head, whence he infers that it must have been at least equal to the largest balloons used by modern aeronauts. The reports I have myself collected from eye-witnesses, both in Rome and southward for fifty miles, do not confirm Professor De Rossi's supposition of the spiral course taken by the aerolith, whose flight towards the northeast is uniformly described as straight. I found the country folks in the province of Frollnone greatly terrified by the celestial apparition, and I dare say there were many peasants who acted like an ex-driver in the service of a friend of mine residing at Ferentino. - Surprised on the road to Alatri by the sudden appearance of the flaming aerolith, he thought the end of the world was come indeed, and abandoned his team to hide himself, all trembling, in a ditch. The peasants and indeed people in general, are very early risers in this part of the world, and therefore events taking place even before daybreak are sure to find enough people abroad to observe them. The following letter from Father Secchi purchased in the Osservatore Remano of this day, shows that his surmises were correct, and announced to the public the descent of the aerolith, of what remained of it, in the Sabine Mountains, near Subiaco: We are enabled to give further notice of the bolide of the 31st of August. - The worthy engineer, Signor A. Alvorex, telegraphs to us from Subicao that the bolide fell in the territory of Affile, not far from Subiaco, setting a cottage on fire. Search is being made for the fragments. Professor Cocchi writes from Veroli that the meteor was seen there, and a powerful detonation heard. Its direction was from southeast in northeast. Signor Coletta, druggist in Piperno, and Signor Tommasi, engineer in Cort, assume us that there also it was seen near the magnetic meridian. These directions being placed upon a topographic map all conspire towards the Sabine Mountains. We have received news that a fragment fell near the road leading from Tivoli to Ceciliano. This locality and that of Affile are in the region indicated in the above mentioned trajectories. The mass has probably been dispersed in many distant places. I am sorry not to be able as yet to publish all the letters I have received, but I propose making a complete series of them. (Signed) Father A SECCHI (end) This newspaper article refers to the Orvinio Meteorite. Six pieces of this H6 meteorite, totaling 3.4kg., fell August 31, 1872 at 0515hrs in Lazio. Italy. Clear Skies, Mark Bostick http://www.meteoritearticles.com http://stores.ebay.com/meteoritearticles Reminders: PDF copy of this article is available upon e-mail request. The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. I have been doing this to for use of the meteorite-list search engine: http://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com/maillist.html Received on Sun 07 Nov 2004 03:39:42 PM PST |
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