[meteorite-list] eBay - LaCriolla, Bishopville etc.

From: star-bits_at_comcast.net <star-bits_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 23 15:30:09 2004
Message-ID: <052320041929.13381.40B0FBB5000963C30000344522007358349C9B070DD39D0E9B9C_at_comcast.net>

I have a number of auctions closing in a few hours, a number still at a penny. Also a few hard to get things such as a 42 gram LaCriolla endcut, a 2.48 gram Bishopville, and a 49 gram NWA 753 R3.9 that are still exceptional deals.


Eric Olson
ELKK Meteorites
Received on Sun 23 May 2004 03:29:58 PM PDT

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