[meteorite-list] caliche cleaning and Parnallee question

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon May 10 12:23:46 2004
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000001B00002158_at_paulinet.de>

Dave and List,

Dave, you also used to collect minerals (or still do). Remember how ugly
an amethyst looks after a wash with HCL? Instead of risking fragments
to break away or having other mineral constuents dissolved, I'd rather
leave some caliche

> Also, having just bought a 40g slice of Parnallee (Wow!!!)
> can any one confirm whether it is a L3.6 or an LL3.6?


Yes, I can confirm: LL3.6, brecciated; gas-rich; unequilibrated;
microgabbro clasts - some people classified it as an LL3.7 *

* Reference:

NELSON V.E. et al. (2002) Size-frequency distribution of chondrules
and chondrule fragments in LL3 chondrites: Implications for parent-body
fragmentation of chondrules (MAPS 37-10, 2002, 1361-1376).

To: entropydave_at_ntlworld.com
Received on Mon 10 May 2004 12:23:44 PM PDT

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