[meteorite-list] Spike from space
From: chris aubeck <caubeck_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon May 3 07:51:16 2004 Message-ID: <20040503115113.94183.qmail_at_web50805.mail.yahoo.com> Hi listfolk, Can anyone tell me what they think this might have been? Was the "spike" a genuine meteoric artefact? I've never heard of anything like it. What about the "glass"? Just curious to test the validity of these old articles... Many thanks, Chris ************************************************* 1919 01 30 New Oxford Item(Pennsylvania) - 1919-01-30 Meteor Drops Souvenir While pruning an apple tree on Wed- nesday, Joseph F. Fox, residing in Fred- erick county, noticed what he thought to be broken glass on the ground, and upon looking around to see what had happened, found upon a small limb, about 12 feet from the ground and five feet from the the trunk, a strange-looking object sticking straight up in the air. He sawed off the limb, which was only an inch and a half in diameter. The object is a mass of fus- ed metals, six inches long, weighing about two pounds, thought to have been thrown from the meteor that on Sunday evening, January 12, interested all of Southern Pennsylvania and Maryland. This is the first fragment of the meteor that has been found. A piece of metal, resembling iron, protrudes from the mass like a spike, and the point of this struck the top of the limb, embedding itself in the wood about an inch. The Elyria (Ohio) Evening Telegram, Wednesday 1919-01-15 Exploding Meteor Shakes Maryland Baltimore, Jan 15--All of Western Maryland from Baltimore City to the Blue Ridge mountains was brilliantly illuminated shortly after six o'clock Sunday evening by a giant meteor, the flash terminating in an explosion which startled residents of Hagers- town, Frederick city, Westminster and other towns on the railroads near those towns. The meteor apparently descended to within a hundred miles of the earth's surface, according to some scientific observers, and then exploded. Some observers in the western section of the state thought an airplane motor had exploded and looked for falling wreck- age. Instead of causing a shower of frag- ments, the detonation seemingly mark- ed the entire destruction of the body. This fact classified the meteor to sci- entists as the bolide variety which destroyes (sic) itself instead of causing a shower of brilliant debris. 1919 01 23 The Frederick Daily News, MD, , Thursday, 1919-01-23 MOLTEN MASS ON TREE FRAGMENT OF METEOR Strange Find of Joseph E. Fox, Near Troutville. EMBEDDED OVER INCH DEEP >From Object, Iron-like Spike Pro- trudes Around Which Are Pieces of Glass--Eologist [sic] Wants Informa- tion. WANTS REPORT ON METEORITE Postmaster Williamson has re- ceived a letter from Lee P. Mer- rill, head curator of Geology of Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington D.C., requesting informa- tion in regard to the meteorite which was observed in Washing ton also. He states that accord- ing to best reports the meteorite was traveling in a northwest direct- tion. Postmaster Williamson has advised Prof. Merrill of the small fragment found by Mr. Fox. Sticking straight up, on a small limb of an apple tree, a queer-look- ing mass of material weighing sev- eral pounds has just been found which is thought to be a fragment from the meteor which startled all Maryland and adjoining States on Sunday evening, January 12. The piece of supposed meteor was found by Joseph F. Fox on his farm on the road between Creagerstown and Woodsboro, at Troutville. All who have seen the strange looking object feel sure that it must have fallen from the heavens during that odd dis- play that was noticed over such a wide area. Pieces of the falling me- teor are reported to have been found in different places, one as far remote as Winchester, Va. Mrs. Margaret Ledgewood, a neigh- bor, happened to notice the flash of light and she thought at the time that lightning probably had struck a house nearby. The apple tree where the fragment was discovered is about midway between the two homes. It is probable that the object which embedded itself in the tree was part of a molten mass that lightened the skies and attracted her attention. The object was found by Mr. Fox when he was about to prune the tree. He noticed fragments of what he took to be broken glass under the tree and he wondered what it could be. He looked up and was surprised to see, out on a small limb about 12 feet above the ground and about 5 feet from the trunk an object sticking up and fastened to the limb. Struck by the unusualness of the thing, he saw- ed the limb off to find just what it was. Today he brought it to Fred- erick and showed it at the News-Post office. The limb in which the object em- bedded itself is about an inch and a half in diameter. The object is about 5 1/2 inches long. The weight of the foreign mass is about two pounds, it is estimated. It is obvious that the object is the fusion of molten mate- rials and metals. There is a mix- ture of colors which indicates a num- ber of metals. In a few places there is something that resembles pure lead. Part of it look like glass that has been subjected to intense heat. There are streaks of red like iron ore, and also a color that reminds one of sulphur. What makes the object all the more of a curiosity is the fact that from the center protrudes a pointed spike of what looks to be iron. It was the end of this spike that entered the limb and fastened itself there. The spike part looks as if it were fash- ioned by man. The spike or prong that is visible now is 2 1/2 inches long and at the largest part is a half inch through, tapering down toward the point which is not visible, being in the wood. When the object was found very little of the spike part showed, parts of the mass having been broken off since revealing more of the prong. The mass about the prong is pear- shaped and at the largest part is several inches in diameter. The spike part is slightly bent, which leads one to think that it was hot when it struck the tree. It is most remarkable that this ob- ject fastened where it did. From the split in the limb it can be seen that it fell just recently. It struck almost exactly in the center of the small limb. It is apparent that the reason the limb was not broken off nor split in two was because of the spring af- forded the limb at this point. Had the fragment struck a person or ani- mal it would most likely have caused death. ===== http://embark.to/magonia ____________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/download/index.html Received on Mon 03 May 2004 07:51:13 AM PDT |
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