[meteorite-list] Meteoroids 2004 Conference
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:53 2004 Message-ID: <200403250045.QAA16440_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://www.uwo.ca/meteoroids2004 Meteoroids 2004 August 16 - 20, 2004 A Conference to be held at the University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada Second Announcement Abstract Submission Deadline : May 24, 2004 Early Registration Deadline : May 24, 2004 This conference will be the fifth in a series of meteoroid meetings which have been held every few years since 1993, the last being in held in Kiruna, Sweden in 2001. It will cover a broad range of meteoroid research: TOPICS The following scientific areas are covered in this meeting: * Dynamics, sources and spatial distribution of meteoroids including sporadic, shower and interstellar meteoroids * Physics and chemistry of meteoroids and their interaction processes in the atmosphere including ablation studies and radar head echo and trail effects * Fireball and bolide phenomenology from modeling and observational studies and connection with meteorites * Astromineralogy and interplanetary dust studies in the laboratory * Impacts of meteoric constituents on atmospheric phenomena * Hypervelocity impact effects on spacecraft * Space Debris and Meteoroid models and flux - defining the natural particulate environment in space. with observations carried out using the following methods: * Optical observations of meteors including ground-based visual, photographic, video, and telescopic. * Satellite measurements and lidars * Acoustic measurements using infrasound and seismic detection techniques * Radar observations with meteor and large aperture radars * In-situ measurements of meteoroids SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ************************************** Prof. W.J. Baggaley, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Prof. Martin Beech, Campion College, Regina, Canada Prof. Peter Brown, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada Dr. Addi Bischoff, The University of Muenster, Germany Dr. Jiri Borovica, Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic Prof. Eberhard Grun, Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik, Germany Prof. Robert Hawkes, Mount Allison University, Canada Dr. Peter Jenniskens, SETI Institute, United States of America Dr. F. Rietmeir, University of New Mexico, United States of America Dr. Ingrid Mann (Chair), European Space Agency, Netherlands and The University of Muenster, Germany Prof. Tadashi Mukai, Kobe University, Japan Dr. Olga Popova, Inst. for Dynamics of Geospheres RAS, Russia Dr. Douglas O. ReVelle, Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States Prof. Frans Rietmeijer, University of New Mexico, United States Dr. Vladimir Porubcan, Astronomical Institute SAV, Slovakia Dr. Junichi Watanabe, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan Prof. Iwan Williams, University of London, UK LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE *********************************** Peter Brown, Margaret Campbell-Brown, Peter Jedicke, Alan Webster (University of Western Ontario) Robert Hawkes (Mount Allison University) (co-chairs) INVITED TALKS *************** The following is a list of confirmed invited speakers. This list will be updated on the Meteoroids 2004 webpage as more speakers are confirmed. Prof. W.J. Baggaley, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Dr. M. Campbell-Brown, University of Calgary, Canada Dr. W. Cooke, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA Dr. V. Dikarev, European Space Agency, Germany Dr. P. Jenniskens, SETI Institute, USA Prof. J. Jones, University of Western Ontario, Canada Dr. M. Matney, NASA Johnson Space Flight Center, USA Dr. A. Pellinen-Wannberg, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden Dr. O. Popova, Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres, Russia Dr. V. Porubcan, Astronomical Institute SAV, Slovakia Dr. D.O. ReVelle, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA SPONSORS ********** We wish to thank the following for their support of this conference: The Canadian Space Agency NASA - Space Environments and Effects (SEE) Program NASA- Orbital Debris Program Office The University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Engineering The University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Science The University of Western Ontario, Office of Research The University of Western Ontario, Department of Physics and Astronomy REGISTRATION *************** Please complete the registration form which can be accessed securely on the web via the conference website at http://www.uwo.ca/meteoroids2004 The early registration deadline is May 24, 2004. The conference fee is $425 Canadian Dollars (including taxes) (CAD) ($300 CAD incl. taxes for accompanying adults) before the deadline, and $475 CAD if paid after May 24. This price covers the abstract book, conference bag, refreshments and snacks during breaks, lunch on all conference days, the wine and cheese reception, the conference banquet and two evening meals throughout the week. Links related to how best to get to London can also be found via the conference webpage. EXCURSIONS *************** Two conference excursions are planned. One will be a theatre outing on Thursday evening (August 19) to Stratford-on-Avon (45 min bus ride from London). The other is a day-long trip to Niagara Falls on Saturday (August 21). You may pay for either or both of these trips if you are interested in attending on the secure web-site at the same time you register for the conference. Space for these trips is very limited. Once all available spaces are filled, this option will be removed from the webserver. More details of these trips, including costs can be found on the Meteoroids 2004 website.. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION ******************************************** Please submit the abstracts as plain text in an e-mail to meteoroids2004_at_uwo.ca including the following information by May 24, 2004: 1. Title 2. Author / authors (affiliation 1) 3. More authors (affiliation 2) etc 4. Text up to 200 words, no equations, no references, no tables, no figures. Abstracts received after this date may still be accepted for Oral presentations if room permits. We will do the formatting of the abstracts. If there are some unusual characters or Greek letters that can be ambiguous in the plain text form, send also an attachment in Microsoft Word format or by fax to: 1-519-661-4085. Please include the following information: The paper will be presented by: (name) The preferred presentation form: 1. Oral 2. Poster 3. Oral or poster We have the following equipment in our lecture hall. Please inform us of what you need for your presentation: slide projectors overhead projectors computer projection PROCEEDINGS ************** Instructions for the proceedings format will be sent in the 3rd Announcement. ACCOMMODATION ***** Rooms in the new Perth Hall student residence have been reserved for conference attendees. This is the most economical option for accommodation and is the closest option to the conference venue (less than five minutes walk) on the campus of UWO. Details of the residence rooms, prices and bookings can be viewed on the registration website which can be accessed from the conference website. Two other hotels have block bookings for the conference. These are Windemere manor (http://www.windermeremanor.com) and the Station Park Inn (http://www.stationparkinn.ca/). Windemere manor is a 20 minute walk from the conference site, while the StationPpark Inn is located downtown. There is local bus service which provides a connection between the hotel and the conference site. Please mention meteoroids2004 to access the group rates and block booking when making your reservation. Note that rooms not booked by July 15 will be released from this block reservation. Travel Grants Those wishing to apply for the very limited number of available travel grant are asked to contact the LOC (meteoroids2004_at_uwo.ca) for instructions. DEADLINES ************** May 24, 2004 : Abstract and early Registration Deadline June 25, 2004: Third and Final Announcement (including tentative program) July 15, 2004: Last deadline for on-site accomadation, block reservations at area hotels August 16-20, 2004: Meteoroids 2004 conference Further announcements in connection with this conference will be emailed to all registered participants at the end of June, 2004. Received on Wed 24 Mar 2004 07:45:45 PM PST |
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