[meteorite-list] Thermoluminescence - Part 3
From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:52 2004 Message-ID: <DIIE.0000004000001C96_at_paulinet.de> S.W.S. McKEEVER and D.W. SEARS (1980) Meteorites That Glow (Sky and Telescope, July 1980, pp. 14-16): Applications A number of small red CL grains have been identified as the minor phosphate mineral chlorapatite*. It is important as the host mineral for certain radioactive elements, and once contained the now-ex-tinct isotope plutonium 244. The decay of these elements by nuclear fission releases energetic particles, leaving tracks of damaged material in the crystal, and these may be used to date the meteorite. The difficult task of locating the phosphates is greatly simplified by spotting the red CL against the blue background of feldspar. Thermoluminescence studies are important to meteorite research in several ways. The amount of TL shown by a meteorite just after falling to Earth is governed by its exposure to high-energy radiation and by the temperatures it experienced in space. These act in opposite senses - radiation increases TL, heat lowers it. In most meteorites the TL level has settled to a uniform level, but we have dis- covered several in which it is lower than expected. They act as if they had been heated prior to our laboratory studies. The fiery heat of the plunge through the atmosphere does not penetrate the meteorite more than four or five millimeters, so that it cannot effect the TL at greater depths. They may have been heated some other way - perhaps by passing close to the sun. TL provides a promising means of recognizing these meteorites. On reaching Earth, meteorites are protected from the high-radiation environment of space and the TL subsides to a new, much lower level. Theoretically, this decrease in TL provides a means to estimate how long ago a meteorite fell. This idea has been tested by examining a great many meteorites, some of which fell recently and some many thousands of years ago. The results are consistent with computer predictions of how TL drops with time. This, in turn, helps in estimating the terrestrial lifetimes of meteorites in the two parts of the world where finds are most common - the American Prairies and Antarctica. In the United States, it seems, meteorites can lie undiscovered on the ground for up to 20,000 years; in Antarctica, most samples are at least 10,000 years old. Some meteorites not only have low TL when examined, but seem incapable of displaying much even when artificially irradiated in a laboratory. These samples are usually black or almost white instead of the usual pale gray, and they also have very low radiometric ages. Chondrites typically were formed about 4.6 billion years ago, but the black ones seem to be a mere half-billion years old. Therefore, about that time some meteorites suffered a violent event which caused them to blacken and lose their TL and CL. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that these effects can result from intense shock. The event suffered by the black chondrites is commonly believed to be the shock and heating attending the breakup of the parent body of those meteorites. These studies are barely a beginning. The luminescence of meteorites may not be a new discovery, but we believe it offers many possibilities for new ways to study these enigmatic bodies from space. *Chlorapatite = Ca5(PO4)3Cl Received on Tue 23 Mar 2004 10:37:17 AM PST |
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