[meteorite-list] 'Blueberries' Are The Answer To Key Mars Puzzle
From: (wrong string) ørn Sørheim <bsoerhei_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:51 2004 Message-ID: <200403171721.SAA24421_at_mail46-s.fg.online.no> Hmmmm, why didn't anyone think of that in the first place! :-) So Opportunity will be driving around on small globules the rest of the trip on Mars... Talking about slip slidin away... Bjørn Sørheim At 08:27 17.03.04 -0800, you wrote: > > >http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994790 > >'Blueberries' are answer to key Mars puzzle >David Chandler >New Scientist >March 17, 2004 > >The Mars rover Opportunity has now solved the key puzzle it was sent to the >Meridiani Planum to figure out: where is the hematite that was spotted in >the area by the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter? The answer is in the >"blueberries", the tiny mineral spheres that litter the rover's landing >site. > >The question was a key one, because hematite almost always forms in water, >and water is thought to be a pre-requisite for life. Scientists led by >Arizona State University's Phil Christensen revealed their discovery at the >Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference in Houston, Texas, on Tuesday. > >Finding the hematite in the spheres makes sense, because earlier data from >the rover showed the spheres are almost certainly concretions formed when >water deposited layer after layer of minerals around a minute grain of sand. > >Ever since it landed in January, Opportunity has been seeing more and more >of the spheres, covering the soil, embedded in the bedrock, and seemingly >strewn across the flat plateau surrounding the landing crater. > >However, until now, nobody knew what they were made of. This was because at >a few millimetres across they are far too small to fill the field of view of >any of the rover's three spectrometers. > >Berry bowl > >The challenge was to find a place where the spheres were sufficiently >concentrated to provide a target for the spectrometers. A "berry bowl" >provided the solution, a shallow depression in the bedrock where dozens of >spheres had collected in a tight bunch. > >All three rover instruments, the mini-TES, Mossbauer, and Alpha Proton X-ray >Spectrometers, as well as its microscope, were used on Saturday and Sunday >to gather data and provided the definitive evidence. > >The surrounding bedrock showed no sign of hematite at all, while the >concentrated berries showed a very strong signal. It is now clear that, >while not pure hematite, the spheres contain the primary concentrations of >the mineral. > >They can account for the hematite seen on the soil surface, because they are >strewn across it, and for its absence in the bounce marks made by the >rover's landing, because pictures show that all the spheres were driven into >the soil and out of sight by the force of impact. > >Lost lakes? > >There is one remaining question about the hematite, however. It appears to >be even more concentrated on the plains outside the crater. Does that mean >that there may be an additional source as well, perhaps an overlying layer >of rock, or just that the plain is strewn with many millions of spheres? > >Opportunity is expected to drive out onto that plain in a week or two, and >should have a chance to answer that question as well. > >Christensen, who designed the mini-TES, is hopeful that additional >hematite-rich formations may be found that might prove the presence not just >of water, but of large bodies of standing water that may have persisted for >long periods. > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > Received on Wed 17 Mar 2004 12:21:28 PM PST |
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