[meteorite-list] VCI Emitter Pre-Sale Rust Prevention

From: RYAN PAWELSKI <yellowengine_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:49 2004
Message-ID: <29604186.1079155780494.JavaMail.root_at_thecount.psp.pas.earthlink.net>

Start preparing your meteorite displays and containers for the humidity aro=
und the corner.

Hi List..

I am currently taking pre-orders for VCI Emitters. VCI's (vapor corrosion i=
nhibitors) emitters give off vapors which deposit a molecular layer of corr=
osion protection on all exposed metal surfaces of your specimens. Each emit=
ter protects one cubic foot of enclosed space for up to two years. These em=
itters are especially nice for protecting H-chondrites, irons, pallasites, =
and mesosiderites. VCI emitters are FDA and USDA approved, non-toxic, safe =
to handle, and give off very little to no scent when the enclosed space is =
open for specimen removal. The best thing is..the layer of protection on ea=
ch specimen will NOT be immediately disturbed while the protection area is =
open. As soon as you re-close the space the VCI's being emitted will vapori=
ze within the enclosed space and replenish the protection on the surfaces o=
f your iron-bearing meteorites. I have been using these emitters in each o=
f my displays for over 6 months and they seem to be working very nicely. Ea=
ch emitter will be US$4.75, postage included. However, actual international=
 postage may be necessary. Please email yellowengine_at_earthlink.net with the=
 quantity that you would be interested in purchasing. I only have about 6 o=
f these currently remaining on a first come, first served basis; all other =
requests will be put on a pre-order to be filled within the next week or so=
. Once I receive the emitters, I will email you with your total and payment=
 info. I will be accepting cash (at your own risk), money order, personal c=
heck, and Paypal (to yellowengine2003_at_yahoo.com). Thank You.
Received on Sat 13 Mar 2004 12:29:37 AM PST

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