[meteorite-list] Bernd commentary on NWA 1955
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:47 2004 Message-ID: <BC70EBE3.1250D%mlblood_at_cox.net> Hi all, Matt Morgan was kind enough to sell be some of his unique NWA 1955 which is the only type H/L 3-4. I had thin sections made (some with cover sheets and some without, double polished - for those who might want to do microprobe work). Bernd bought one and was kind enough to share the email below with me and Matt, AND to give me permission to foreword it to the list.... -- "Hello Michael, hello Matt, My NWA 1955 thin section pics keep bugging me. The pic I am once more attaching here seems to show what might be called a "contact zone" where H material crashed into L material or vice versa. Look at that sharp horizontal line dividing the pic into two halves. [this is photo "1" at:] http://community.webshots.com/album/123759764tYCxcZ The lower part actually shows 4 different chondrules - magnification 32x -- (plus one separate chondrule in the 5 o'clock position): (1) an oval, barred olivine chondrule squeezed between two deformed POP chondrules (2) another large, colorful chondrule with long, thin laths in the 6 o'clock position These 4 chondrules have literally been pushed into/onto each other! JPEg #2 (magnification 56x) shows a PP chondrule (porphyritic pyroxene) with a large, almost perfect, euhedral pyroxene crystal in the 8 o'clock position - that's the "aesthetical" part of the story. This chondrule is surrounded (not visible in the pic) by a thick, opaque rim which may be serpentine. IF it is serpentine, this would point toward aqueous alteration (such rims are well-known from Allende, Axtell, or other carbonaceous chondrites). What if meteoriticists also find carbonaceous components in NWA 1955?! A triple conglomerate: H - L - C? What an exotic personality, this NWA 1955! Best wishes, Bernd" [then, in a later exchange he added] "Anyone who is into thin sections and who misses out on this one, is to be pitied." Photos at: http://community.webshots.com/album/123759764tYCxcZ -- When Jesus said "Love your enemies" I think he probably meant don't kill them. Anonymous -- For perspective, try THIS: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/index.html -- cool message fro Ben & Jerry: www.TrueMajority.org/oreo -- AMAZING photos of Aurora Borealis, etc. http://faculty.rmwc.edu/tmichalik/atmosphere.htm -- Hubble space telescope - AMAZING photos!: http://wires.news.com.au/special/mm/030811-hubble.htm -- http://www.costofwar.com/ -- SUPPORT OUR TROUPS: http://www.takebackthemedia.com/onearmy.html -- Worth Seeing: Earth at night from satellite: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0011/earthlights_dmsp_big.jpg -- - Interactive Lady Liberty: http://doody36.home.attbi.com/liberty.htm -- Earth - variety of choices: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html -- Michael Blood Meteorites: http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/Received on Sun 07 Mar 2004 06:10:27 PM PST |
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