[meteorite-list] Thauthe comments that were made earlier
From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:45 2004 Message-ID: <20040302221012.57197.qmail_at_web20903.mail.yahoo.com> now chauncy, I suggest you pass this on to Mr Mckenzie. I NEVER ONCE posted one negative word regarding David Ambrose, if you can find it, I will eaqt my words sir. Mr Ambrose was nothing but nice, and I know that he gave the money to build schools. Now, there was mr Ashworthy, another British collegue of Mr Ambroses. Mr Ashworthy wanted payment in US DOLLARS, NOT South Acfrican Rand, nor in the Lesotho currency. Now, are you going to tell me that he gave that money to anyone other than his bank account. Before I hear another word regarding Mr Ambrose, GO BACK in the archinves, and show me one post by myself disrespecting him in ANY WAY. You will not find it. do your homework before you say this to me and this list again. Chauncy, I challenge you to find ONE MENTION of your name in ANY of my posts, below you accuse me of calling you by name, never have I EVER mentioned your name in any way. Eric olson and I were there when Mr Ambrose told us that they had paid around $50.00 for the 2.5 kilo specimen. I offered Mr Ambrose $5000.00 for that same specimen. I was turned down. chauncy, I am dissapointed that you are stating these things that are absolutely untrue, and I am challanging you to show me and the list the emails where I ever used your or Mr Ambrose's name in any derogatory way. You cant as I didnt, SO STOP SAYING It. The people there did pay pennies a gram if anything at all for the stones. The people were mad when I offered a fair price and they realized that they had been ripped off. Now I understand that Dr Ambrose did not buy for the purpose of resale, when he did sell he built schools, I find that a great man. The gauntlet is down, show me these phantom emails, I demand that you do so or do not ever post false statements about me again. Mike Farmer --- Chauncey Walden <clwaldeniii_at_comcast.net> wrote: > > > Since he was "mentioned in dispatch" so to speak, > Ronnie McKenzie has > asked me to post this to the list for him: > > In response to the recent mis-information posted by > Mr Farmer I feel > compelled to clarify the record on Thuathe for a > second and hopefully > last time - obviously he either didn't read or could > not understand the > content of my previous note concerning Thuathe > material which I > purchased in Lesotho. In his previous email he > severely criticised > Professor Ambrose and others in Lesotho for > swindling locals and I > responded on their behalf to highlight how much they > have in fact done > for the local community. In his most recent email > he again raises the > issue of Thuathe being bought for next to nothing > and has on this > occasion included my name in the list of criminals. > > Virtually all of the initial Thuathe material > (before Mr Farmer knew > about it) was purchased through two locals and a > group from a South > African University who initially had no knowledge of > its value. While > some of the earlier material was literally paid for > with food and sweets > by them (not me, as I bought all my material from > them) they were never > trying to swindle the locals in any way (as inferred > by Mr Farmer on > numerous occasions in previous emails) and both had > been supplying food > and clothes to locals in the area for years before > the meteorite fell. > I am sure it is not the first time that meteorites > have been traded for > food at rediculously low prices. > Prof Ambrose is an academic who had no interest in > the commercial value > of the meteorite and was only interested in > cataloging the material and > documenting the fall from a purely scientific > viewpoint. Another group > of academics from a South African University also > bought some original > material for next to nothing since they had no idea > of its value - they > even turned down an offer on a 2kg speciment because > the asking price of > $10 at the time was considered excessive! The one > item of truth in Mr > Farmer's email concerns the fact that the asking > price increased > significantly during his visit and then to several > times more after he > left and Prof Ambrose became aware that Mr Farmer > was asking upwards of > $8/gm for the material in the US. > I purchased my first 2 kg's of material from Prof > Ambrose and Mr > Ashworth initially for a relatively low price but > nowhere near the 1 > cent mentioned by Mr Farmer. I then paid an average > of approximately > $2/gm (at current exchange rates it is $3/gm) for > most of my subsequent > material from Prof Ambrose which provided the > funding for the school - I > still have most of the material I bought. Mr > Farmer should remember > well what I paid for the 2.5kg 'bear' that appeared > on his web site as > well as on the front page of the Meteorite magazine > since he was also > bidding on that particular piece - so I am surprised > (or rather > dissapointed) by his inaccurate rantings - that > piece went for almost > $10 000 at today's exchange - a far cry from the 1 > cent a gram mentioned > in his email. > > I have stopped subscribing to the meteorite list due > to the continual > flood of abusive emails particularly from Mr Farmer > and directed at > anyone and everyone on the list. I only respond to > such garbage when I > am made aware of a particular email and personally > brought into the > fray. Mr Farmer knows only too well what I had to > pay for material and > one needs only to discuss the matter with Prof > Ambrose who has now built > a school for the local children using the proceeds > from his sales to me. > I still work in the area (developing water > supply projects) and am > on the best of terms with the locals, most of whom > are extremely poor > and slowly dying of aids. I can easily get > Professor Ambrose to > corroborate what I have indicated above (with facts > and figures) if Mr > Farmer continues to debate the issue. > > I suggest that Mr Farmer drops this issue once and > for all and uses the > meteorite list as it was intended and not for > personnal gratification or > for publicising petty squabbles. I am sure there > are many list > members like myself who joined the list to keep up > to date with the > latest information on meteorites and who are fed up > with the constant > infighting between the various 'meteorite hunters'. > I notice that most > of the true professional meteorite hunters/dealers > tend to stick to > constructive comment relating to meteorites which I > found very > interesting and useful. > > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Tue 02 Mar 2004 05:10:12 PM PST |
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