[meteorite-list] Perry to Nininger Letter; August 30, 1953

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jun 27 17:33:58 2004
Message-ID: <BAY4-DAV132u69fiXqM00027f60_at_hotmail.com>

(Stuart Perry to Harvey Nininger letter, Perry's File copy)

August 30, 1953
Dear Harvey,
Just received your letter which I have forwarded to Henderson, and as soon as I hear from him I will write you. I wonder if you can furnish a photo of the iron:
(Stuart Perry - name is missing as this is the file copy. The original sent to Nininger would have been signed by Perry)
(Mark note: Perry's letter does end with ":", instead of "?" as it should be.)

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