[meteorite-list] Explosion over Las Vegas and the Sunrise Moutain Area

From: WAHLPERRY_at_aol.com <WAHLPERRY_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jun 19 20:39:17 2004
Message-ID: <6b.2c66d26a.2e0636a9_at_aol.com>

Local news (Channel 3) reported an explosion over the Sunrise Mountain area
East of the City. Several people heard a large explosion and witnessed a vapor
cloud according to Channel 3. There were no other clouds in the vicinity at
the time of the explosion. Several people called in to see what it was. The
news reported that it was possibly a meteorite. I phoned the news station to see
if they had any witnesses names or numbers but none were available. They are
going to rebroadcast the story on the 6PM news and ask for witnesses to call
in. I will keep you updated.

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